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词汇 chronic
例句 The hospital is holding/having a pain clinic on Tuesday night for anyone interested in learning how to deal with chronic pain.这家医院周二晚上将举办一次健康讲座,凡是想了解如何应对慢性疼痛的人都可以参加。He is a chronic complainer.他这个人老是抱怨。She's developed a chronic cough.她的咳嗽已成了一种慢性病。Inflation has become a chronic condition in the economy.通货膨胀已成为经济上反复出现的问题。John's chronic tuberculosis is laying him low.约翰的慢性肺结核病正使他身体不断垮下去。Persistent damage or inadequate healing may lead to chronic lameness.反复受伤或治疗不当可导致长期跛足。The country is an economic basket case with chronic unemployment and rampant crime.这个国家长期失业严重、犯罪猖獗,经济几近瘫痪。People sometimes drag through life because of a chronic sleep deficit.人们有时因长期睡眠不足而疲疲塌塌地度过一生。He is a chronic complainer/grumbler. 他总是发牢骚。She suffered from a chronic back ailment.她患有慢性背部疼痛。Those who suffer from narcissism become self-absorbed or chronic show-offs.被自恋症折磨的人会变得只专注于自己的事情,或者不断地自我炫耀。He's a chronic complainer. 他总是牢骚不断。If left untreated the condition may become chronic.如果不加治疗,病情可能变成慢性的。He suffers from chronic asthma.他患有慢性哮喘。The dire consequences of chronic underfunding are nowhere better illustrated than in the nation's schools.长期资金匮乏所造成的严重后果,在该国的中小学表现得最清楚不过了。One cause of the artist's suicide seems to have been chronic poverty.这位艺术家自杀的原因之一似乎是长期贫困。He has chronic health/medical problems.他有慢性疾病。In spite of chronic ill health, she wrote ten books.虽然一直受到慢性病的困扰,她仍写了十本书。There is a chronic shortage of teachers.师资短缺的问题长期存在。Dad was eventually diagnosed as suffering from a chronic heart condition.爸爸最终被诊断出患有慢性心脏病。He favors harsh punishment for chronic malefactors. 他主张严惩惯犯。There is a chronic shortage of patrol cars in this police district.这个治安辖区严重缺乏巡逻车辆。The film was pretty chronic, but we had a good laugh.电影很糟糕,但我们却笑得很开心。He was a chronic alcoholic and unable to hold down a job.他酗酒成性,任何工作都做不长。We need to take steps to counter the chronic decline in our export market.我们需要采取措施抵销出口市场不断萎缩。He experiences chronic, almost pathological jealousy.他有着积习难改的、近乎病态的嫉妒心。An inhibitor of gastric secretion provided relief from the patient's chronic diarrhoea.胃分泌抑制剂为患有慢性腹泻的病人解脱了痛苦。The signs of chronic exhaustion showed in Martha's face.玛莎的脸上显出长期疲劳的痕迹。The contributions employees pay give cover against sickness, including chronic invalidity.雇员所交纳的保险费中含有疾病险,其中包括慢性病。Anyone who does not believe that smoking is an addiction has never been a chronic smoker.不相信抽烟能上瘾的人肯定不是老烟民。Amending the behaviour of chronic miscreants has long been the bane of teachers' lives.改正那些经常捣乱的学生的行为长期以来一直是让老师们头疼的问题。He suffers from chronic arthritis/pain.他患有慢性关节炎/疼痛。My mother was alarmed by my fits of weeping and chronic insomnia.我间歇哭泣,而且长期失眠,使我母亲感到很不安。The woman had a chronic and troublesome cough.那个女人患有令人头疼的慢性咳嗽。He left her in a chronic condition.他走了,留下身陷困境的她。The drug is used to improve the quality of life for patients who have chronic illnesses. 这种药物用于改善慢性病患者的生活质量。His voice has been hoarsened by chronic bronchitis.慢性支气管炎使他的声音变粗哑了。I developed serious arthritic symptoms and chronic sinusitis.我得了严重的关节炎和慢性鼻窦炎。I've had chronic back pain since the accident.自那次事故之后,我就有慢性背疼。China has a chronic shortage of capital, so it must encourage saving.中国资金长期短缺,所以一定要鼓励储蓄。




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