例句 |
The old man was struck with pity for her.这老人对她充满怜悯之心。The queen is able to feel compassion for the beautiful but haunted stag.女王会对这只备受折磨的漂亮雄鹿产生怜悯之心。She felt a movement of pity for him.她对他顿起怜悯之心。Both women shared a compassion for victims of war.两个女人都对战争受害者有着怜悯之心。He was not a man much given to compassion.他不是一个易起怜悯之心的人。They showed no mercy to their captives.他们对俘虏毫无怜悯之心。He has no heart, that man.那个男人,他没有怜悯之心。Have you no feeling for the plight of the homeless?对那些无家可归的人的苦难你就没有怜悯之心吗? |