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例句 With so many machines out of commission how can we finish the work in time?这么多机器坏了,我们怎么能及时完成工作呢? How can he buy the house when he has no money? 既然没钱,他怎么能买得起房子呢?How can I trust the valuable things to her?怎么能够把贵重的东西托付给她呢? You couldn't help but feel for Charles. He'd been so unlucky in life.怎么能不同情查尔斯呢,他这一生太不幸了。How can they justify the killing of innocent people?他们怎么能为杀害无辜开脱?How could she have been so thick?怎么能蠢到那个地步?How could you pass over such an important matter?怎么能忽略如此重要的事情? How could he take on himself to say that?怎么能那样说呢? How can I love myself when I look like this?.我这个样子,怎么能对自己满意呢?How could I hold my peace when he was insulting me like that?他那样侮辱我,我怎么能保持沉默呢? How could you treat her like dirt?怎么能把她看得一文不值呢? If you stop making excuses and do it, you'll wonder what took you so long.如果你不再找借口而是行动起来,你会诧异怎么能拖了这么久。How could you turn a deaf ear to her requests for help?怎么能对她的请求帮助置之不理呢? How was I supposed to know what you were thinking? I'm no mind reader.怎么能知道你在想什么?我又不懂读心术。If you set no value on being a woman yourself, how can you expect others to?如果你自己都认为做女人一文不值,又怎么能期望别人尊重你呢?It's a mystery to me how he can get so much work done in such a short time.真搞不懂他怎么能在这么短的时间里干这么多的事。What a miserable existence! How could anyone live in such awful conditions?多么痛苦的生活!一个人怎么能在这么糟糕的条件下过活?How can you compare him to Ivan Lendl? He's not in the same league at all.怎么能把他跟伊万·伦德尔作比较?他根本不属同一级别的。How can you just sit back and let him insult you like that?怎么能无动于衷,由他那样羞辱你?That guy is a joke. How can he edit a book when he can't even spell!那家伙真让人笑掉大牙,他连拼写也不行怎么能编书呢! How can you stand her friends?怎么能受得了她的那些朋友?How could a country rest its security on such promises?一个国家怎么能让自己的安全依赖这类诺言呢? You eat like a bird – I don't know how you stay healthy.你吃得太少了——我不知道你怎么能保持健康。They look exactly alike to me. How can you tell which is which?在我看来,他们非常像,你怎么能区分出哪个是哪个?How can you be so cold and clinical about your son's accident?怎么能对你儿子的事故这么冷漠?How can you do such a thing to her?怎么能对她做出这种事来? How did you expect us to proceed on such a perilous expedition, through unknown terrain.怎么能指望我们如此冒险地穿越未知的地域,继续这一探险?How can you read such filth?怎么能看这种下流的东西? How can we repay such a large sum?我们怎么能偿还这样一大笔钱?How can one ever separate out the act from the attitudes that surround it?一个人的行为及与其息息相关的态度怎么能区分得开呢?I don't know how you can stand the heat.我不知道那么热你怎么能受得了。How can you do your job with a clean conscience?怎么能问心无愧地干你的活儿呢?How can you judge a book without reading it?怎么能评价一本没看过的书呢?How could people of conscience allow this to happen?有良知的人怎么能容许这样的事情发生?How could she swallow such a blatant lie?怎么能轻信这个弥天大谎呢?I know how to make you feel better, sugar. I'll tell you a story.宝贝,我知道怎么能让你感觉好些,我给你讲个故事。Why did you do that? How can you be such a numbskull?你为何做那事儿?你怎么能那么傻?How can you be so cruel as to criticize her weight?拿她的体重打趣,你怎么能如此伤人呢?How can you call those barbarians your friends?怎么能把那些没教养的人称作朋友?How can Christians and atheists ever come to understand each other when their frames of reference are so different?基督徒和无神论者的思想观念差异如此之大,他们又怎么能相互理解呢?




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