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词汇 必定
例句 What I preach, I am resolved to practice.我所讲的道理,我必定身体力行。We must be losing at least a third of our staff under new technology.在新的技术条件下,我们必定要解雇至少三分之一的员工。Attempts to clean up the environment are doomed unless businesses take a leading role.除非企业起带头作用,否则治理环境的努力必定失败。My mother goes to church every week without fail.我母亲每个星期都必定去做礼拜。It must have taken an awful lot of courage.必定需要很大的勇气。If he went on like this, he would have to answer to the law.再这样下去,他必定得负法律责任。If there's any mischief afoot, he is sure to be in at it.要是有什么捣鬼的事,必定有他的份。The two largest powers in any system must always be major rivals. History offers some support for this view.任何制度里两个最大的权力组织必定总是主要对手,这一点历史可以提供佐证。There is bound to be a certain tension between the freedom of individuals and the need for public safety.个人自由和公共安全需求之间必定存在着某种对立。The storm must still be nigh, she thought.她想暴风雨必定仍会到来。The care of old people necessarily involves quite a lot of heavy lifting.照顾老年人必定要干很多搬重物的活。He won't thank you for damaging his new car.你损坏了他那辆新车,他必定非常恼火。A nation must take certain risks to achieve greatness.一个国家想取得巨大的成就必定要冒一定的风险。The American warships in Pearl Harbor were sitting ducks.珍珠港的美国军舰是必定击中的目标。You are playing a losing game if you neglect your education.如果你忽视教育,你就必定倒霉。He made a point of spending Saturdays with his children.星期六他必定要和自己的孩子在一起。If you follow this diet, you're bound to lose weight.按照这个规定食谱必定能够减轻体重。Inevitably, the situation did not please everyone.这种局势必定不能让所有人都感到满意。If you break the law, you must expect to be punished.如触犯法律,必定要受到惩罚。Every morning, like clockwork, customers line up outside the front door of the bakery.每天早晨,顾客们必定在面包房外排队。She has the ambition and talent to make something of herself.她志高才清,必定有所作为。All of their desserts are sure to please. 他们所有的甜点都必定令人满意。The mayor is confident the war against crime will be won.市长确信反犯罪活动之战争必定胜利。He must realize that an outstanding opportunity has been lost.必定意识到错过了一次大好时机。I go to the gym every Monday and Wednesday, without fail.我每周一和周三必定去健身房。Most observers say the President is a cinch to win re-election.大多数观察家都说总统必定能够再一次当选。He said he would let me borrow his car, but I knew there had to be a catch.他说他会把车借给我,但我知道这其中必定有诈。Any attack by a foreign power will inevitably bring the people of a country together.任何外来侵略都必定能使全国人民团结起来。He can certainly turn on the charm when he wants to!只要他想,他必定能施展他的魅力!War is certain, we should arm without delay.战争必定要发生,我们应该刻不容缓地备战。




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