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词汇 心目中
例句 His father was a hero figure to him.父亲是他心目中的英雄。Many men feel their body shape doesn't live up to the stereotype of the ideal man.很多男人都觉得自己的体形不符合人们心目中惯有的理想男性形象。I have one particular friend in my eye at this moment.这会儿我心目中就有着这么一位朋友。The house has a special place in the royal family's affections.那所房子在王室成员的心目中占有特殊的地位。He went south to climb Taishan, a mountain sacred to the Chinese.他南下去爬泰山了,那是中国人心目中一座神圣的山。Safety was uppermost in their minds. 在他们的心目中,安全是最重要的。His most devoted fans think of him as a sort of god.他在大多数忠实的崇拜者心目中就像是一个神。Recent political assassinations have blackened their view of that country.最近发生的政治性暗杀损坏了那个国家在他们心目中的形象。Some football players become like demigods to their fans.有些足球运动员在球迷心目中似乎被神化了。My heroine was Elizabeth Taylor.心目中的偶像是伊丽莎白·泰勒。She has risen in my estimation. 她在我的心目中威信上升。She writes about women's idealisation of men, touching briefly on the topic of women's fantasy life.她写女人心目中理想化的男人,其中简单涉及了女人所幻想的生活的话题。He has gone down considerably in my estimation.他在我心目中的地位一落千丈。Nothing is sacred to these wild youths.在这些桀骜不驯的青年人心目中没有什么事物是不可触犯的。His idea of paradise is to spend the day lying on the beach.心目中的天堂生活就是整天躺在沙滩上休闲。Samba always seems to conjure up images of Brazil.桑巴舞似乎总能唤起人们心目中对巴西的种种印象。Treating disabled people like children only reinforces negative images of disability.像对待儿童那样对待残疾人只会强化残疾人在人们心目中的负面形象。Do the BBC World Service adequately project Great Britain?英国广播公司海外部能使英国在听众心目中得到充分正确的印象吗?Home-ownership has been an overarching desire of the British.拥有自己的房子一直是英国人心目中最大的愿望。He's the stereotypical absentminded professor. 他正是人们心目中健忘教授的典型模样。He seemed tremendously venerable to her.在她心目中他似乎非常受崇敬。We could not help being impressed by the majesty of the lofty mountains.高山的雄伟壮丽不能不在我们心目中留下深刻的印象。His idea of a perfect vacation is a weeklong camp-out with the whole family.心目中最完美的度假就是带全家去作为时一周的露营。She is squandering her enormous reputation with the students.因为不珍惜自己在学生心目中的崇高威望,她正渐渐失去它。He's really gone up in my estimation.他在我心目中的形象高大了许多。The woman I regarded as my fairy godmother was Sybil. She was wonderful to me.心目中的女恩人就是西比尔,她对我特别好。His death in police hands made him a martyr among the people.他死在警察手上,使他成了人们心目中的烈士。In her sight he could do nothing wrong.在她心目中,他是不会做错事的。Who in your mind is the iconic female movie star of China?在你心目中,谁是中国最有代表性的女明星? Détente in their eyes stands for a cozy state of live and let live.缓和在他们心目中就是一种各自生活互不相扰的安定状态。In my estimation he is the second best player in the world.他在我心目中是世界上数得着的运动员。He's every woman's dream.他是每个女人心目中的如意郎君。There is a confusion in the public mind between psychology and psychiatry.大众心目中会把心理学和精神病学混为一谈。The firefighter who rescued us was our knight in shining armor.救我们的那名消防员是我们心目中的勇士。The recent court cases have been very damaging to the public image of the medical profession.最近几个诉讼案件大大损害了医疗行业在公众心目中的形象。In the eyes of the public, a divorced man is footloose and fancy-free.在公众心目中,离婚的男人无牵无挂、自由自在。He has gone up in my estimation since he did that.自从他做了那件事以后,在我的心目中他的人格显得更高尚了。No matter, he remained the hero of the crowds.不要紧,他仍是众人心目中的英雄。But this change has not yet impressed itself on the minds of the British public.但是这一变化还没有在英国公众心目中引起重视。Michael Jordan was my hero, and meeting him in the flesh was a real thrill.迈克尔·乔丹是我心目中的英雄,见到他本人真让人激动。




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