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词汇 set up
例句 The government has set up a joint commission to consider the problem.政府设立了联合委员会处理这个问题。Police have set up an incident room as they begin to investigate this morning's fire.警方已经设立了专案室,开始调查今天早上的枪击事件。They detached their trailer and set up camp.他们卸下挂车,支起帐篷。She sets up a rigorous intellectual framework to deconstruct various categories of film.她建立了一个对各种类型的电影进行解析的严密知识框架。A war crimes tribunal was set up to prosecute those charged with atrocities.成立了一个战争罪行法庭来对那些被控犯有暴行的战犯提起公诉。She set up an independent review body to recommend changes.她设立了一个独立的审查机构来提出修改建议。They set up a trust for their grandchildren's education.他们为孙辈的教育建立了信托基金。The explorers set up a base at the foot of the mountain.探险者们在山脚下建立了基地。The firm set up its own property development operation.这家商行成立了自己的房地产开发公司。It is essential that a modus vivendi be set up if conflict is to be avoided.如果要避免冲突,必须达成妥协。She set up phantom companies run by her relations.她成立了几家由其亲属管理的影子公司。He set up in business and soon had a good connection.他开业经商,很快就生意兴隆,顾客盈门。A slick pass from Eaves to Brinkworth set up the goal.布林克沃斯接伊夫斯的妙传射门成功。Jacques Delors wants a system set up to channel funds to the poor countries.雅克·德洛尔希望建立一套体系,将资金专门用于援助贫穷的国家。Dummy patrol cars will be set up beside motorways to frighten speeding motorists.将会在高速公路边放置巡逻车模型,吓唬超速行驶的驾驶员。Foundations set up by magnates such as Carnegie and Rockefeller provided most of the funding for the arts in the US.由卡内基和洛克菲勒这类大亨创立的基金会为美国的艺术活动提供了大部分资金。He set up shop as an interior designer.他开了一家室内装修店。After the war, a convention was set up to frame a constitution.战后,为制定宪法组织了一次会议。A new trust has been set up to promote the arts in inner city areas.已经成立了一个新的信托基金机构来促进旧城区的艺术发展。Dr Lee set up a series of experiments to test out this hypothesis.李博士设计了一系列实验来验证这个假设。The duo set up a scam to settle their respective debts.那对搭档设了一计以消除各自的债务。They set up camp on the verge of the desert.他们在沙漠边缘扎下了营地。They claimed that they weren't selling drugs, but that they'd been set up by the police.他们声称自己没有贩卖毒品,是被警方栽赃陷害的。We took the plunge and set up our own business.我们毅然决定开创自己的事业。Arsenal's victory sets up the prospect of a thrilling final.阿森纳队的胜利使人们对一场惊心动魄的决赛充满期待。The oil giant Esso is planning to set up a new refinery in the port.石油业巨头埃索打算在这个港口建一座新炼油厂。He's set up for Lord Chancellor.他被任命为大法官。Police set up roadblocks to check passing vehicles.警方设置关卡检查过往车辆。I don't set up to be an authority on this subject.我不认为自己在这门学科方面是权威。The little girl set up a howl.那个小女孩号啕大哭。The two of them set up house in Brighton.他们俩在布莱顿建立了家庭。An incident room was set up at a police station near the site of the crash.在距离失事现场附近的警局设立了一个事件调查办公室。You can set up an appointment with my secretary.你可以和我的秘书约一下见面的事情。A reception centre was set up to help people who arrive with nowhere to go.为了帮助那些无处安身的来客,设立了一个接待站。Here's how to set up personal user profiles and passwords.以下是如果建立电脑用户的个人形象和密码。The young man's claim that he had been set up by the police was eventually supported by several witnesses.那年轻人说他被警察诬陷,他的说法最终得到了几个证人的支持。They set up an outreach center for children in the inner city.他们在市中心建立了一个儿童延伸服务中心。They first set up house together in Atlanta and moved to Miami three years later.他们最初在亚特兰大建立了家庭,三年后迁至迈阿密。The defense argued that Green was set up to take the rap for the murder of Roy Robinson.辩方辩称,有人让格林在罗伊·罗宾逊谋杀案中当替罪羊。A committee has been set up to probe the party's electoral practices.已经成立了一个委员会对该党在选举中的行为进行调查。




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