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词汇 Seven
例句 Seven jockeys were arrested and charged with race fixing.七名赛马骑师被捕并被指控在比赛中作弊。Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs《白雪公主和七个小矮人》Seven of our planes are missing.我们有七架飞机下落不明。Seven-year-old Ian is proud to have earned his red belt in karate.七岁的伊恩为自己已经取得空手道的红带而感到骄傲。Seven people were injured in last night's police raid on a house in Brixton, South London.昨天夜里,警方对位于南伦敦布里克斯顿的一所住宅进行突袭搜查,有七人受伤。Seven fire brigades were deployed to contain the blaze.出动了七个消防队以控制火势。Seven of us squashed into the car.我们七个挤进了汽车。Seven species of birds of prey have been observed.观察到了七种猛禽。Seven people were crushed to death when the building collapsed.该建筑物倒塌时7人被压死。Seven countries are taking part in the multilateral talks.将有七个国家参加这次多边会谈。Seven out of ten teenagers said they had tried soft drugs.十个青少年中就有七个说试过服用软毒品。Seven is my lucky number.七是我的幸运数字。The Group of Seven major industrial countries concluded its annual summit meeting today.由主要工业国家组成的七国集团今天结束了其年度峰会。Seven out of every 10 Guatemalans live in dire poverty and half cannot read or write.每十个危地马拉人中有七个生活在赤贫中,半数不会读写。Seven Cabinet Ministers dissented from the official government line.七名内阁成员对政府的官方路线持有异议。He presided at the trial of the Maguire Seven.他主审了马圭尔等七人案。Seven people died of thirst after their truck broke down on an isolated desert road.卡车在偏僻的沙漠公路上抛锚后,有七个人死于缺水。Seven students passed the test and three failed.七个学生通过了考试,三个没通过。Much hangs on the success of the collaboration between the Group of Seven governments and Brazil.七国集团的政府和巴西之间的合作能否成功至关重要。




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