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We popped some popcorn in the microwave.我们用微波炉爆了一些爆米花。A microwave cooks food much faster than a conventional oven.微波炉烹饪食物比传统的烤炉快许多。I'll heat it up in the microwave.我来把它放在微波炉里热一热。He heated up his soup in a microwavable bowl. 他用微波炉适用的碗加热汤。We cooked the fish in the microwave oven.我们在微波炉中煮鱼。Don't bake potatoes in the oven, zap them in the microwave - dinner in 10 minutes! 别用烤箱烤土豆,用微波炉吧——晚餐十分钟就好。You can defrost the soup in the microwave.你可以把汤放在微波炉里解冻。He made his way home and zapped something in the microwave.他回到家,用微波炉做了点东西。A microwave oven cooks food in a fraction of the time required by a normal oven.用微波炉烹饪食物,所需时间只是普通烤炉的一小部分。Steam or microwave the vegetables until tender.蒸或者用微波炉加热蔬菜,直至蔬菜变软。She has a microwave, but uses it mainly for defrosting bread.她有个微波炉,不过主要用来解冻面包。They heat up the food in a microwave oven.他们用微波炉热食物。The microwave should go ping when it's finished.微波炉转完了会发出叮的一声。Pop it in the microwave for a couple of minutes.把它放进微波炉加热几分钟。Microwave ovens have simplified cooking.微波炉使烹饪变得简单。Does anyone here know how to work this microwave?这儿有人知道如何使用这台微波炉吗?You can heat it up under the grill or microwave it.你可以用烤架或微波炉把它热一热。Microwaves heat water uniformly.微波炉能把水均匀加热。A microwave oven can make light work of the cooking.微波炉能轻松烹饪食物。When the cooking time's up, the microwave will beep.当烹饪时间到了的时候,微波炉会发出哔哔声。She uses the microwave for defrosting bread.她使用微波炉给面包解冻。She reheated her muffin by zapping it in the microwave for a few seconds.她将松饼放人微波炉中重新加热了几秒钟。You can just warm up the leftovers from yesterday's meal in the microwave.你或许只需用微波炉热一热昨天剩的饭菜就可以了。All our chalets include a microwave for extra convenience.我们为所有的度假小屋配了微波炉,以备不时之需。You can cook the meat either in a microwave or in a conventional oven.你可以用微波炉或普通的烤炉烹调这些肉。Many cottages are a home from home, offering microwaves, dishwashers, and TVs .许多乡间小舍像家一样,提供微波炉、洗碗机和电视机。While microwaves heat up food more quickly, most food tastes better when it is cooked in a conventional oven.虽然微波炉加热食物的速度比较快,但是大多数食物用传统烤箱做出来味道更佳。I usually partially cook steaks in the microwave and then finish them off on the grill.我通常用微波炉把牛排烧得半熟,然后在烤架上把它烧熟。Remove the packaging and pierce the plastic cover before microwaving.去掉包装,扎破保护膜,然后用微波炉加热。I overheated the food in the microwave.我把食物放在微波炉里加热过了头。Many cottages are a home from home, offering microwaves, dishwashers, tvs and videos.很多度假屋都像自家一样,里面有微波炉、洗碗机、电视机和录像机。Let's try cooking it in the microwave as an experiment.我们试试用微波炉来煮一煮它。Steam or microwave the vegetables until tender.将蔬菜上锅蒸或用微波炉加热,直至变软。Just stick it in the microwave for a few minutes.把它放进微波炉里热几分钟就行。We spent Saturday morning pricing microwaves.星期六上午我们比较了微波炉的价钱。Vicky Brown arrived home to find the men disconnecting her microwave.维基·布朗到家时发现那些人正在断开她微波炉的开关。Many microwaves heat unevenly, leading to hot spots in the milk.很多微波炉加热不均匀,导致牛奶中有过热部分。A microwave oven can be a real lifesaver when you're pressed for time.时间紧迫时,微波炉真能救急。The apartment came with a microwave.这个公寓配有微波炉。I heated the vegetables in the microwave.我用微波炉热蔬菜。 |