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A headache is sometimes indicative of eyestrain.头痛有时表明眼睛疲劳了。Poor lighting is often incriminated in eyestrain.人们常把眼疲劳归咎于照明不足。The ergonomics of the new office furniture have reduced eyestrain and back problems among the computer users.新办公家具的设计安装运用了人类工程学原理,缓解了计算机使用者的视觉疲劳和背部病症的问题。Inadequate lighting can cause eyestrain, fatigue and stress.照明不足会引起眼疲劳、精神不振并造成压力过大。After looking at the computer screen all day she had eyestrain and a stiff neck.盯着电脑屏幕看了一整天后,她的眼睛酸涩,脖子也感到僵硬。 |