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词汇 得体
例句 She showed sensitivity and tact.她表现得既体贴又得体Her speech was well suited to the occasion.她的讲话在这个场合十分得体She closed with a gracious speech of thanks.她以礼貌得体的答谢结束讲话。I don't like unshaven, sloppy fellows. My man must be clean-cut and well-dressed.我不喜欢没刮胡子、不修边幅的男人。我的男人一定是整洁好看、衣著得体的。I thought you showed great diplomacy in dealing with him.我认为你在跟他打交道的过程中显得极为得体练达。Ann thought it unseemly to kiss her husband in public.安认为当众亲她丈夫不太得体He was smart and well groomed.他衣着整洁,打扮得体Dress properly for your interview.面试时着装要得体She wore a dark blue dress with matching shoes.她身穿一条暗蓝色的裙子,脚蹬一双搭配得体的鞋。He has no sense of decorum.他没有礼貌得体的观念。Only doctors and nurses have the decency to wear masks.只有医生和护士戴着口罩才得体It wasn't very tactful of you to ask whether he'd put on weight.你问他体重是不是增加了不是很得体On this occasion the press have not been intrusive and they have shown great tact.媒体此次并没有过多纠缠,表现十分得体It was an awkward moment but she handled it with style.当时情况很尴尬,但她处理得很得体When are you going to learn to speak proper?你什么时候才能学会得体地说话?His words were carefully chosen and well-spoken.他选词审慎,表达得体I doubt the propriety of such a remark.我怀疑这样的话是否得体She refused his offer tactfully, allowing him to go away with his pride intact.她很得体地拒绝了他的提议,让他能不失面子地离开。She wore a softly tailored suit.她穿了一身剪裁得体、非常服帖的套装。Its headlines were suitably downbeat and don't scream out.其标题平淡无奇而非触目惊心,非常得体He tried a small grin for size.他试着微微露齿一笑,看是否得体If you're going to be a high-powered businesswoman, you've got to look the part.如果你打算做个商场女强人,你就得看上去得体才行。She was impeccably dressed.她穿着非常得体He was perfectly dressed in a dark suit and tie.他穿着深色西装,系着深色领带,十分得体He wonders about the appropriateness of each move he makes.他在考虑自己的每一个举动是否得体His final report to the President was far more temperate and balanced than the earlier memorandum.和之前的备忘录相比,他递交给总统的总结报告措辞要更为温和得体Andrew's marriage proposal was very correct and proper.安德鲁的求婚非常得体,中规中矩。Manners allow you to navigate life's complicated situations with grace.礼貌可以让你得体地应对生活中的复杂情况。If you want to create the right impression, I suggest you wear a suit.如果你想要达到得体的效果,我建议你穿西装。She's respectably dressed in jeans and sweatshirt.得体地穿着牛仔裤和短袖衫。The new servant was decently dressed.新来的佣人衣著得体A good secretary needs to be efficient, and above all diplomatic.一个好秘书要工作效率高,最重要的是要能够说话办事得体Even in jeans she managed to look groomed and well-dressed.即使穿着牛仔裤,她也有办法使自己看起来整洁得体Proper attire is required at the restaurant.在这家餐馆就餐需要衣着得体They're trying to show clean, wholesome, decent movies.他们在想办法播放文明、健康、内容得体的电影。It was not seemly for ladies to talk about money.女士谈论钱的事似乎不大得体She was a stylish woman, always dressed to suit the occasion.她是个很时髦的女人,总是穿得很得体合时。His opening remarks struck the right note.他的开幕词讲得十分得体It is a nice way of putting it.这样说法很得体I tried to protest this unjust praise but he mistook it for a becoming modesty.我试图否认这种不恰当的赞美,可是他误以为这是一种得体的谦虚。




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