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词汇 a penny
例句 At the moment he doesn't have a penny to his name.他现在身无分文。He stopped to pick up a penny.他停下来捡起一便士。Antique toy cars are ten a penny nowadays.现在古董汽车玩具很不值钱。Leggy blondes are two a penny in Hollywood.在好莱坞,长腿金发的女郎遍地都是。The journey won't cost you a penny if you come in my car.你搭我的车去不用花一个子儿。Thrillers are ten a penny these days.如今恐怖片比比皆是。Well, you know what they say about a penny saved.你知道大家所说的省一分钱等于挣一分钱的意思。He had arrived in America without a penny to his name.他到美国的时候身无分文。He never gave us a penny.他一毛不拔。Admitted to Mills College on a full scholarship, she graduated Phi Beta Kappa without a penny of help from her parents.她以全额奖学金被米尔斯学院录取后,又以优等生的荣誉毕了业,没有靠父母一分钱的帮助。The salesman won't bate a penny of it.售货员一分钱也不肯减少。Unhappily for Berkowitz, he never got a penny.可悲的是,伯科威茨从来没得到一分钱。Gregory is filthy rich but he never gives a penny to charity.格雷戈里钱多得发臭,可他对慈善机构从来不捐一分钱。The large sum of money that came to him when she died was a shock, and he had not spent a penny of it on himself. He had, however, willed it to Frank.她去世时他继承的那一大笔钱数额惊人,但他在自己身上未花分文,而是将其遗赠给了弗兰克。Her father cut her off without a penny.她父亲完全剥夺了她的继承权。They didn't charge me a penny. 他们没有收我一分钱。It won't cost you a penny for the first six months.开始的六个月你不用花一分钱。His faithful servant was turned off without a penny.他分文不给地辞掉了他忠实的仆人。There are four farthings in a penny.一便士值四个法寻。I wouldn't give a penny for that old bike!我不会为那辆旧自行车花一分钱!We bought the necklace from an old man who was down on his luck and in need of a penny or two.我们从一个穷困潦倒的老头那里买了这条项链,他需要一点钱。I wouldn't take a penny of your rotten money!我不会拿你一分臭钱!It's useless asking them for a loan, they don't have a penny to bless themselves with.找他们借钱没用,他们自身也一个钱都没有。Rings like these are ten a penny.这样的戒指根本不值钱。Oh well, it's done now. In for a penny, in for a pound.哎呀,现在干完了,有始有终嘛。The Brilliantons paid their rent on time and did not owe him a penny.布里连顿一家按时交租金,分文也不欠他的。False friends are ten a penny.虚情假意的朋友多得遍地都是。It's not worth a penny.那一文不值。If you'll excuse me, I need to spend a penny.不好意思,我想去方便一下。Small houses are very expensive there, but in Ireland they are two a penny.小住宅在那里价钱昂贵,而在爱尔兰却相当便宜。Gary clutched a penny in his fist.加里将一枚便士攥在手中。His family had cast him off without a penny.他被家人赶了出来,身无分文。The excursion won't cost you a penny if you go with us.如果你与我们一起去,这趟旅行就不会花你一文钱。The miserable old curmudgeon would begrudge giving a penny to a starving man.这个可恶的老守财奴连给饥饿的人一分钱都舍不得。You won't get a penny out of Jack – he's very close with his money.你别想从杰克那里得到一分钱,他这人对钱吝啬得很。Come to my party. It won't cost a dime. = It won't cost you a penny.来参加我的派对吧,免费的。I'd advise anyone to put aside a proportion of their earnings - a penny saved is a penny earned.我建议人们把收入的一部分存起来——储蓄一文赚一文。




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