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It looks like an innocent bystander was killed instead of you.看来是某个无辜的路人被杀,而你却得以幸免了。Today we will hear whether the school is to be spared from closure.今天,我们将会得知这所学校是否能够得以幸免不被关闭。Somehow the storm spared our house while nearby buildings were destroyed.不知何故暴风雨摧毁了附近的建筑而我们的房屋却得以幸免。His intervention spared me a bloody nose.他的干预使我得以幸免,不然准给人揍得鼻子出血。I could not understand why I had been spared and they had not.我不明白为什么我得以幸免,而他们却没有。The infection was so widespread that few escaped.传染病传播得非常广泛,很少人得以幸免。 |