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例句 Her on-screen romances seem to mirror her experiences in her private life.她在银幕上的浪漫故事似乎与她的私人经历很相似We have similar taste in music.我们的音乐品味很相似They had similar experiences growing up, even though they came from vastly different backgrounds.尽管他们背景差异很大,但成长经历很相似Despite the surface differences between the two candidates, they are very similar in most ways.尽管这两名候选人表面上有些不同,但他们在许多方面很相似Most patients have a constellation of diseases, with few clear-cut distinctions between them.大多数患者的病症都很相似,鲜有明显的区别。The new hockey rink is similar in design to the one in San José.这座新建的冰球场在设计上与圣何塞的那座很相似The telescope's lenses are analogous to a person's glasses.望远镜的镜片和人戴的眼镜很相似In outward appearance the two types of tomato are similar.这两种西红柿外观上很相似Although the fish have little external resemblance to each other, skeletally they are quite similar.虽然这种鱼在外形上相互之间几乎没有相同的地方,但它们的骨骼很相似The children were similarly dressed.孩子们的打扮很相似Their names are confusingly similar.他们的名字很相似,很容易搞混。They seemed close in spirit to those first independent-minded Turkish women who took professions.她们在本质上似乎和那些最早出去工作的具有独立思想的土耳其女性很相似The movies are similar in texture.这些电影在整体风格上很相似Each chapter is structured in a similar fashion.每一章的结构都很相似Their experiences are superficially similar.他们的经历表面上看很相似The two cities are culturally very similar.这两个城市在文化上很相似The scene in the picture was eerily similar to what I had seen in my dream.怪异的是,照片里的情景和我的梦境很相似The words are similar but there is a difference in meaning.这些单词很相似,但在意思上有差别。Some of the commercially produced venison resembles beef in flavour.有些商业化养殖的鹿肉味道和牛肉很相似The pictures are similar, but there are subtle differences between them.这些图片很相似,但它们之间有细微的差别。The patterns look very similar, but there are subtle differences between them.图案看上去很相似,但还是有细微的差别。She believes that the two crimes are of a piece. 她认为这两起犯罪活动很相似Different spreadsheet packages tend to be similar, though not necessarily identical.不同的电子制表软件包往往很相似,虽然不一定一模一样。The program is television's answer to news magazines. 这个电视节目与新闻杂志很相似They're rather similar, inasmuch as they are the same size and colour.基于它们有相同的尺寸和颜色,它们是很相似的。My mother and I are alike in many ways.我和母亲在许多方面很相似Italian has a close affinity to French.义大利语和法语很相似The two cars are much alike.这两辆汽车很相似All three sisters have like dispositions.三姐妹性格很相似When you look at this painting and the one by Rembrandt, there is certainly a resemblance.看一下这幅画和伦勃朗的那一幅,两者无疑是很相似The two names are confusingly similar.这两个名字很相似,容易混淆。Her latest film is a suspense thriller very much in the manner of Hitchcock.她的最新影片是部悬疑惊险片,与希区柯克的风格很相似The two maps of London correspond closely.这两张伦敦地图很相似I remarked a strong resemblance between the two boys.我注意到这两个男孩很相似When you look at these two carpets, you can see that the patterns are very similar.看一下这两块地毯,你就能发现它们的图案很相似




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