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词汇 很生气
例句 The boss is on the warpath today because the project is behind schedule.因为项目进度跟不上,老板今天很生气It makes me sick the way she treats him like a slave.她把他当做奴隶看待,令我很生气He appeared to be angry, spitting out disconnected words.他看起来很生气,嘴里愤愤地说着一些毫无条理的话。She gets very angry over little things.她为一点小事就会很生气He was angry at/with her for staying out so late.她在外面待到这么晚,他很生气I was displeased at her rudeness.我对她的无礼很生气Not surprisingly, she was very annoyed when he didn't turn up.没有什么好奇怪的,他没有赴约,她当然会很生气He became angry when she answered him back.她跟他顶嘴时,他很生气She tapped the table with her pen in obvious annoyance.她用钢笔敲着桌子,显然很生气She apologized for being late, but by that time I was really annoyed with her.她为迟到表示抱歉,可那时候我对她已经很生气了。He was surprised, and annoyed that she had spun a story which was too good to be condemned as a simple lie.他很惊讶,也很生气,因为她编的故事太真实了,甚至不能被斥为一个简单的谎言。He was deeply offended at their refusal to come.他们不肯来,他感到很生气He forced a grin despite feeling angry.尽管很生气,他还是勉强笑了笑。He was getting angry but his voice remained level.很生气,但说话的语气仍很平静。My dad gets really angry if anyone keeps him waiting.如果有人让我爸爸等,他就会很生气She was pretty ticked off about what he said.他的话使她感到很生气She sounded offended when she replied.她回答时听上去很生气Mark's ticked off with me for some reason.马克不知为何对我很生气Her boss was peeved by/about the mistakes she made with the customer's order.她在处理客户订单时出了错,这让老板很生气I just think it's rude and it's ticking me off.我只是觉得这样很粗鲁,让我很生气She was angry at first but we managed to calm her down.一开始她很生气,但我们设法让她平静了下来。How very thoughtless. I'll give him a piece of my mind.真是太没头脑了,我要告诉他我很生气Angry as he was, he couldn't help smiling.尽管他很生气,可还是忍不住笑了。Try not to look at his scars - he can be really touchy about it.不要看他的伤疤一—他会很生气的。He huffily refused to answer.很生气,拒绝回答。It really annoys me when I see people dropping litter.看到别人乱丢垃圾我实在很生气I was cross with her for being so careless.她如此粗心大意,令我很生气Anna was piqued by Jack's rude remarks about her appearance.杰克对安娜相貌的粗鲁评论使她很生气Mike gets very angry when he loses at tennis.迈克输了网球就会很生气She was angry when it came to light that some people were being promoted unfairly.听说有些人通过不公正手段得到升迁,她很生气The way he treats his wife just makes me sick.他对待他妻子的方式让我很生气It really pisses me off when you talk like that.你那样说话真使我很生气For some reason she couldn't fathom, he seemed angry.她弄不清他为什么看上去很生气If your dad finds out you've been skipping school, he'll go ballistic.如果你爸爸发现你一直在逃学,他会很生气的。The damage was not intentional but I was still annoyed.这一损坏并不是有意的,可我依然很生气She goes mad when you talk like that.你那样说话,她就很生气She was angry and full of spite.很生气,心中充满了怨恨。If he's late again, I'll be very angry.要是他再迟到的话,我会很生气It really annoys me when people get apostrophes wrong.看到别人用错撇号我实在很生气He gives me the pip.他让我很生气




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