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Gas is a very efficient fuel. And what's more, it's clean.天然气是一种很有效的燃料,而且还清洁。My feeling is that it would work very well.我的看法是这样会很有效。Computers are useful in compiling statistics.电脑在编制统计数据方面很有效。Your suggestion works well.你的建议很有效。These drugs are effective in the developing stages of the disease.在病情的发展阶段使用这些药物很有效。Vaccination is efficacious in preventing smallpox.种痘对预防天花很有效。The foam operates as a very effective filter.泡沫材料起到很有效的过滤作用。Household bleach is useful for stains on white cotton and linen.家用漂白剂对白棉布及亚麻布上的污渍很有效。Most measures to formalize wage negotiations have so far been very successful.使工资谈判正式化的各种做法,到目前为止大都很有效。Peppermint oil is very good for regulating digestive disorders.薄荷油能很有效地调节消化系统失调。This stain remover really works - it's amazing!这种去污剂很有效——真想不到!The lower crime rate speaks well for the police department's new strategy.犯罪率的降低表明警察局的新策略很有效。The therapy is useful as a treatment for diabetes. = The therapy is useful in treating diabetes.这种疗法对治疗糖尿病很有效。The animal's markings provide effective camouflage.这种动物身上的斑纹是很有效的伪装。The drug is effective, but has undesirable side effects, and long-term use can result in liver damage.这种药很有效,但是有不良副作用,长期服用会损害肝脏。The advertising campaign proved very profitable.事实证明,这次广告宣传活动很有效。It is a primitive but effective device for raising water from a well.这是从井里汲水的一种简陋但很有效的装置。 |