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词汇 很快
例句 She tingled with excitement. Soon she would be able to tell Martha everything.她感到很激动,很快她就能把一切都告诉玛莎了。With the elasticity of youth she quickly recovered.由于具有青春年少时期的那种开朗情绪,她很快就恢复过来了。She should be arriving at any moment now.她应该很快就到。He has been out with a back injury, but he'll be back at work soon.他因背部受伤没来上班,但是他很快会回来工作。The best bargains tend to be snapped up immediately.最划算的便宜货往往会很快被人抢购一空。The words spilled out in a rush.这番话很快被泄露了出去。Her kindness melted him quickly.她亲切的态度使他很快就软化了。He quickly earned the reputation as a hard drinker and hell-raiser.很快就因酗酒和专爱惹是生非而出了名。We can't altogether/entirely exclude the possibility that the economy will soon improve.我们不能完全排除经济会很快复苏的可能性。See you soon. Lots of love, Clare.希望很快能见到你。 深爱你的,克莱尔。What had bonded them instantly and so completely was their similar background.使他们很快变得亲密无间的是相似的生活背景。I am resigning from the party with immediate effect.我将很快退党。We have no plans to sell our house in/for the foreseeable future. 我们不打算很快卖掉房子。The boy's measles soon spread to other children in the class.这个男孩的麻疹很快传染给班里其他小朋友了。They had a quarrel, but soon made up.他们吵了一架,但很快就和好了。We often quarrel but we always make it up soon after.我们常吵架,但总是很快就和好了。An IM injection is chosen when reasonably rapid systemic uptake of the drug is needed by the body.当药物需要被身体很快吸收时,会选择肌肉注射。Patients recover quickly if they are well nourished.如果营养充足,病人会恢复得很快A promotion might be in the offing for him.他可能很快会升职。The game was over before I knew it.比赛很快就结束了。Most of the escaped prisoners were quickly recaptured.大多数越狱的犯人很快被重新捕获。The patient had a rapid heartbeat.病人心跳很快Flies reproduce rapidly.苍蝇繁殖得很快Her heart was pumping fast.她的心脏跳得很快The place quickly became untidy.这地方很快变得凌乱不堪。He praised the union's aims but predicted its early demise.他对联盟的目标表示赞赏,但预言联盟很快会失败。Unless the report's recommendations are implemented soon, the future for industry could be very bleak indeed.除非这篇报告中的建议很快实施,否则工业的前景将会非常暗淡。The work is in hand, and will soon be completed.工作在进行中,很快就将完成。Your call has been put in a queue and will be answered as soon as possible.你的电话已进入等候队列,很快就会有人接听。My wife, who has been abroad recently, hopes to see you soon.我刚从国外回来的妻子希望能很快见到你。In class discussions Mary is always quick on the trigger.课堂讨论时玛丽总是反应很快It's likely to happen sometime soon.这件事可能很快就发生。He expects to be freed quite soon.他期待很快就能获释。It soon became clear that there were not enough police officers to deal with the situation.没有足够的警力可以应付这个局势,这一点很快就显露出来了。Soon they came to a point where the road divided.他们很快来到公路的交叉口。The blood spread rapidly from where he lay.鲜血从他躺的地方很快流淌开来。You'll soon begin to reap the benefits of being fitter.很快就会体会到身体更健康带来的好处。It was quite a fast journey.这是一次很快就结束了的旅程。They expected a friendly reception but were in for a rude awakening.他们以为会受到友好的接待,但他们很快会发现情况并非如此。He is at the bottom of the pile but should get a promotion soon.他目前处于底层但很快就会受到提拔。




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