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词汇 服务生
例句 The waiter filled our glasses with water.服务生给我们的杯子倒满了水。She ordered a turkey sandwich and told the waiter to hold the mayo. 她点了一份火鸡三明治并告诉服务生不要涂蛋黄酱。I asked the waiter to check on my order.我请服务生去看看我点的菜好了没有。She spent the night shadowing other waiters at the restaurant.她晚上在餐厅里跟随其他服务生见习。Waiter, could I please have a new fork? This one is dirty.服务生,能给我一个新叉子吗?这个叉子不干净。A waiter mopped up the mess.一个服务生把弄脏的地方抹干净了。A waiter was rapidly rearranging tables for the big group.一个服务生正在麻利地为这一大帮人重新布置餐桌。The waiter flicked away the bee with a hand towel.服务生用手巾拍打赶走了蜜蜂。Our waiter was very attentive.我们的服务生对客人照顾得非常周到。Davis gestured to the waiter.戴维斯招手示意服务生过去。He looked at the waiter with a disdainful glare.他厌恶地瞪着那个服务生He glared disdainfully at the waiter.他厌恶地瞪着那个服务生He quickly spied out the waiter.他很快发现了那个服务生He took/got a job as a waiter.他找了一份服务生的工作。He glared at the waiter with a look of disdain on his face.他一脸厌恶地瞪着那个服务生She asked the waiter for the check.她叫服务生把账单拿来。Waiters say that they can always tell if a customer is going to be a good tipper or not.服务生说他们总是可以一眼看出一个顾客是否会大方地给小费。He waited at table for two years.他在餐馆当了两年服务生The waiters were clean-shaven.服务生的胡子都刮得干干净净。She snapped her fingers at a passing waiter.她向经过身边的一个服务生打了个响指。The waiter went around pouring the wine.服务生走来走去给人们倒葡萄酒。It took us a while to get the waiter's attention.我们等了好一会儿服务生才过来。The waiter quickly totted up the bill.服务生很快便把账单算好了。Chinese waiters stood in a cluster, sharing a private joke.华人服务生们站在一起,讲着只有他们自己才懂的笑话。Exactly how much to tip a server is at the discretion of the customer.具体给服务生多少小费由顾客自己决定。I think our waiter did a fair job.我觉得我们的服务生干得还可以。Our headwaiter was in charge of seating.我们的服务生领班负责座位安排。The waiter was attentive without being obtrusive.服务生体贴周到,举止恰如其分。The waiter was chastised for forgetting the customer's order.服务生由于忘记顾客点的菜而受到斥责。Waiters plied guests with wine and hors d'oeuvres.服务生不断给客人上酒和开胃小吃。The waiters balanced the food on large trays.服务生把食物均匀地放在大托盘上。The waiter buggered up our order.服务生把我们点的菜弄错了。Tony Williams was working as a car-park attendant in Los Angeles.托尼·威廉斯在洛杉矶的一个停车场当服务生The waiters were all in ancient Roman costume.服务生都穿着古罗马时代的服装。The waiter served us wine from an elegant decanter.服务生用一个精致的醒酒器为我们倒酒。When she was younger she worked as a coat-check/hat-check girl. 她年轻时曾在衣帽间当服务生She tipped the waiter generously.她给了这个服务生不少小费。We're one waitress short tonight, so everyone will have to work harder.今晚我们少一位服务生,所以大家要更辛苦些。He picked a fight with a waiter and landed in jail.他找碴儿跟服务生打了一架,最后进了监狱。He snapped his fingers and the waiter came running.他打了个响指,服务生快步走来。




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