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词汇 很失望
例句 I was gutted that I didn't win.我没有获胜,很失望There were some long faces in the hall when the results were read out.宣读结果后会堂里有几个人显得很失望The boy was dismayed to see his idol drunk and in disarray.这男孩看到他崇拜的偶像喝醉了酒,衣冠不整,感到很失望To say we are disappointed about this is putting it mildly.说我们对此很失望是很客气的说法。I was disappointed whenever the cook found fault with my work.每当厨师对我的工作吹毛求疵时,我都很失望I think you have a right to feel very disappointed.我觉得你感到很失望是可以理解的。The decision left them very disappointed.这项决定让他们很失望I was dismayed by/at his indifference.他的冷漠让我很失望Their son has been a deep disappointment to them.他们对儿子一直很失望Her heart sank when she heard the result.她听到结果时,感到很失望I said I was disappointed and I left it at that.我说我很失望,然后就打住了。I was disappointed with your history essay, it seemed a little thin in terms of content.我对你的历史论文很失望,在内容上好像有点空泛。We were disappointed by his backhanded apology.他的道歉缺乏诚意,我们感到很失望I was disappointed that Kluge was not there.克卢格不在那儿,我很失望I'm disappointed about John not coming.约翰没来,我很失望We were disappointed by the predictability of the movie.这部电影的情节完全在料想之中,没有新意,让我们很失望She was disappointed that he hadn't opened up about Gretchen.他未能直陈格雷琴的情况,为此她很失望He's disappointed in his daughter.他对女儿很失望I'm very disappointed in you.我对你很失望It was a big disappointment to us when she left.她的离开使我们觉得很失望The storyline is fatally compromised by an ending that leaves you feeling horribly cheated.故事结尾让人很失望,这样的结尾严重削弱了故事情节。They've disappointed me. I expected better from them. 他们让我很失望。我原本期待他们有更好的表现呢。Jerry sounded genuinely disappointed.杰里听上去真的很失望He was disappointed not to have his day in court.他没有机会发表意见,很失望He was disappointed, but put on a brave face.很失望,却竭力强装欢笑。We were disappointed by the mediocrity of the wine.这酒不怎么样,让我们很失望I felt quite disappointed at first.起初我感觉很失望We disguised the fact that we were disappointed.我们掩盖了我们很失望这个事实。The company now has a large number of workers who feel badly let down.现在公司里有很多工人感到很失望I'm disappointed they scrubbed the idea without telling me.他们没有告诉我就放弃了这个想法,我很失望Obviously we are disappointed but the committee could do nothing less than stick to the rules.我们显然很失望,但委员会只能照章办事,别无他法。We were disappointed to learn of her going. 得知她离开了,我们很失望She put up a good/brave front, but I know she was very disappointed. 她只是强作欢颜,我知道她很失望The election results were a disappointment to civil rights groups.选举结果对民权组织而言是很失望的。Overall I was disappointed.总的说来,我很失望She was disappointed to see her essay returned with a huge number of corrections in red ink.看到她的作文发下来时满篇都用红笔修改过,她很失望We are disappointed but certainly not disheartened.我们很失望,但绝对没有气馁。Journalists are frustrated by his apparent greyness.他毫无个人魅力可言,这让记者们很失望If you think I'll agree to that, then you're going to be sadly disappointed.如果你以为我会同意那事,那么你会很失望的。We were disappointed to find that the museum was closed.看到博物馆已关门了,我们感到很失望




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