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词汇 情调
例句 Most of his stories are in the romantic vein. 他的故事大多充满浪漫情调The director employs sensuous, atmospheric camerawork.导演采用了渲染美感和情调的摄影手法。Her poetry is known for its elevated style/tone.她的诗因文风/情调高雅而闻名。They used soft music and candlelight to give the restaurant a romantic ambience. 他们用轻音乐和烛光给饭店营造出一种浪漫情调There's something charminglyold-fashioned about his brand of entertainment.他自成一格的表演有一种迷人的旧情调If your ordinary life is out of control, then retreating into a cosy ritual will not improve matters.如果正常生活都一团糟了,那么再讲究小情调根本无济于事。The film had a dreamlike quality.这部电影有一种梦幻般的情调Setting the mood for romance means candlelight and just the right music.制造浪漫的情调要有烛光,还要有恰当的音乐。The group will perform in the wonderfully atmospheric setting of King's College Chapel in Old Aberdeen.该组合将在阿伯丁老城内国王学院教堂那充满美妙情调的环境下演出。Sentimentality is endemic to that style of writing.感伤情调在那种风格的写作中很常见。This season the accent is definitely on long, flowing, romantic clothes.毫无疑问,本季的服装以修长飘逸、充满浪漫情调为主要特点。His paintings really catch the mood and flavour of the country.他的绘画真正抓住了这个国家的情调和特色。You want a restaurant that serves good food but has a little atmosphere too.谁都想去家饭菜可口又有点情调的饭店吃饭。You can get high on the atmosphere and ambience.这种气氛和情调会让你飘飘欲仙。The castle was centuries old and full of atmosphere.那座城堡有数世纪的历史,充满了情调The café has a relaxed continental feel about it.这家咖啡馆有种轻松的欧陆情调Champagne always adds a touch of glamour to the occasion.香槟酒总为特别的场合增添情调His poems breathe sentimentality.他的诗歌流露多愁善感的情调The restaurant has a romantic atmosphere with soft lights and background music.那家餐馆内光线柔和,放着悠扬的背景音乐,有一种浪漫的情调The movie sentimentalizes the past.这部影片以感伤的情调回忆过去。He put on some soft music and turned the lights down in order to give the room a little more atmosphere.为了使房间更富情调,他放起了轻柔的音乐,调暗了灯光。The food was good but the restaurant has no atmosphere.那家餐馆的菜做得不错,但餐馆本身缺少情调I was beguiled by the romance and exotic atmosphere of the souks in Marrakech.我被马拉喀什露天市场的浪漫情调和异域风情深深地吸引了。




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