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例句 Demand for his books has remained low.对他的书的需求量一直很低The hotel operates a bus service to the beach for a small charge.这家旅馆提供去海滩的班车,收费很低There has been a low/high rate of compliance with the new law.这条新法规的执行率一直很低/高。The country has a low crime rate that is the envy of most other countries.该国的犯罪率很低,令其他许多国家非常羡慕。Nursing is hard work and often low paid, but for many people it is a vocation.护理是件很辛苦的工作,报酬往往很低,但对许多人来说这是一种使命。Liquid nitrogen boils at a very low temperature.液态氮在很低的温度下就会达到沸点。The level of radiation in the atmosphere is really very small.大气中的辐射水平其实很低The economy is currently strong in southeast England, plus we have low interest rates.目前英格兰东南部经济增长强劲,而且利率也很低Britain has an enviable record on breast screening for cancer.英国妇女的乳腺癌患病率很低,着实令人羡慕。The account offers a poor rate of interest.这种账户的利率很低They took a dim view of local trade unionists.他们对当地的工会会员们评价很低This dish is very low in fat.这道菜脂肪含量很低The ceiling's very low. Mind you don't hit your head.天花板很低,小心别碰到头。He has a very low opinion of that book.他对那本书的评价很低I took a series of badly paid jobs which made me really miserable.我干了几份薪酬很低的工作,痛苦极了。Jobs were of limited duration and usually paid low wages.工作持续时间都有限,而且工资通常很低Food is inexpensive here, so you can live quite cheaply.这里的食物不贵,所以你的生活费用会很低Her voice was low and tender.她的声音很低很温柔。He doesn't have any authority over you, he's fairly low down.他管不了你,他的职位很低Election officials said the turnout of voters was low.选举官员称选民的投票率很低The survival rate of patients with this form of cancer is low.患这种癌症的病人存活下来的几率很低He spoke in a very quiet voice.他讲话时嗓音很低The program has a low rate of relapse. 按这一方案治疗过后,复发率很低Take-up for college places has been slow.大学的就读率很低Congress as an institution scores low in public opinion polls.作为一个公共机构,国会在公众民意调查中得分很低The tide is low.潮水很低Their lack of qualifications condemned them to a lifetime of boring, usually poorly-paid work.没有学历使他们一辈子都得从事枯燥乏味而且通常报酬很低的工作。They spoke in low voices so I would not hear what they were saying.他们说话的声音很低,我听不见他们在说什么。These fruit trees yielded poorly last year.去年这些果树产量很低The movie was made on a shoestring.这部电影的制作成本很低Many mothers feel that they have very low status in today's society.许多母亲觉得在当今社会,她们的地位很低The plane seemed to be flying very low.飞机似乎飞得很低He got low marks/grades throughout college.读大学期间他的分数很低Generally there is low public confidence in government institutions.总的来说,公众对政府机构信任度很低The engine has a very modest oil consumption.这种发动机的油耗很低Old people often have to subsist on very low incomes.老人往往不得不依靠很低的收入来维持生计。The planes fly low across enemy territory.飞机在敌区飞得很低We moved here because there was very little crime.我们搬到这里来是因为这里的犯罪率很低I had a very low contralto voice.我有一副很低的女低音嗓音。Birthrates in developed countries are generally very low.发达国家的出生率一般都很低




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