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词汇 径直
例句 Julie threw the basketball straight into the net.朱莉径直把篮球投进了篮网。He himself had joined the others straight from the office.他本人下班后径直加入到了他们的行列。She marched straight to her own chamber.径直朝自己的房间走去。They left the elevator and made directly to her office.他们出了电梯,径直向她的办公室走去。Without pausing for breath or breaking her stride, she pushed open the door of his private office.她既没有停下来喘口气,也没有放慢脚步,而是径直推开了他的私人办公室的门。We set a trap and they walked right into it.我们设了个圈套,他们径直就踩了进去。He hustled straight up the aircraft steps without looking round or waving goodbye.他急匆匆地径直登上飞机舷梯,没有环顾四周,也没有挥手告别。He turned his back on her and walked away.他转过身去不理她,径直走开了。The tracks, which looked like a fox's, led directly into the forest.那些爪印,看上去像是狐狸留下来的,径直向树林延伸进去。Slowly the boat came upright.小船缓缓地径直靠过来。The car went straight off the road.这辆车径直冲出了道路。She waltzed right up to him and introduced herself.她胸有成竹地径直走向他,做了一番自我介绍。I was already prepped for surgery, so I went straight into theatre.我已经做好了接受手术的准备,于是径直走进了手术室。He just walked in and sat down, as bold as you please.径直走进来坐下,竟然如此大胆。I saw the car coming straight at me.我看到那汽车径直向我开来。She made a beeline for the car.径直奔向那辆汽车。With an air of self-confidence, he walked directly to the big machine.他带著自信的神情,径直朝那台大机器走去。She walked straight up to him and slapped him in the face.径直走到他跟前,扇了他一耳光。On reaching Dubai the evacuees are taken straight to Dubai international airport.撤离人员一抵达迪拜就径直被送往迪拜国际机场。We were all waiting patiently for a taxi, but he just pushed in.我们都在耐心地等出租车,他却径直插到队伍前面。He hit a line drive straight at me.径直朝我打出一个平直球。Two aircraft on a training flight collided and plummeted to the ground.两架飞机在飞行训练时相撞后径直摔到地上。He walked straight past her without looking at her.他没看她,径直从她身边走了过去。She marched right up to me and asked what was wrong.径直朝我走来,问是怎么回事。She walked straight past her office and then had to retrace her steps.径直走过自己的办公室,之后又不得不折返回来。The boundary line between the two countries cuts directly through the group's traditional homeland.两国的边境线径直从这个部族传统的家园上穿过。I got home and went straight to bed.我回到家就径直上床睡了。I scared him when I walked right in like that.我就那样径直往里走,把他吓了一跳。He walked right past me and just kept going.径直从我身边走过,然后继续前行。Ignoring their protests, Newman brushed past the waiting reporters.纽曼不顾守候记者的抗议,从他们身边径直走过。He opened the door and walked straight in.他开了门,径直往里走。Water from the underground pipes empties directly into nearby streams.地下管道里的水径直排入附近的河流。He drove straight through the storm, never loosening his death grip on the steering wheel.他驾车径直冲进暴风雨中,双手死死握住方向盘。Patterson went straight to the liquor cabinet and extracted a bottle of Scotch.帕特森径直走到酒柜前,取出一瓶苏格兰威士忌。The kids made straight for the candy aisle.孩子们径直向卖糖果的过道走去。She just waded in and gave the kid a smack.径直插手其中,打了那孩子一巴掌。She walked right in, bold as you please. 径直走了进来,举止非常唐突。A storm moved directly over the island, demolishing buildings and flooding streets.暴风雨径直席卷该岛,摧毁了建筑,淹没了街道。Zeke wasn't looking and walked straight into a tree.齐克走路不看,径直撞到了一棵树上。I marched into his office to get a few things straight.径直进了他的办公室,去把几件事情讲清楚。




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