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词汇 影星
例句 He's not a great actor but he gets roles anyway because of all the moviegoers interested in beefcake.他不是大牌影星,但因为影迷喜欢健美的男子,所以他总能谋得个演出的角色。Film stars tend to have a life force about them which draws you to them.影星们往往有一种引人关注的生命力。The movie star is a clam about her age.影星对她的年龄守口如瓶。He loves acting, but he hates the whole film-star bit.他喜爱表演,但不喜欢全套的影星架势。She is now a popular film star.她现在是很受欢迎的影星She has written a memoir of her encounters with famous movie stars over the years.她写了一本传记,记述了自己多年来与著名影星的交往。Her latest article has the usual fluff about movie stars and gossip.她最近的文章和以往一样,都是些有关影星和八卦的无聊内容。Becoming a film star confers status, power, prestige and wealth.成为影星会带来地位、权力、声誉和财富。Eddie Murphy is one of Hollywood's most successful stars.埃迪·墨菲是好莱坞最成功的影星之一。Her heart's desire was to become a movie star.她最大的愿望就是成为影星The Ball was attended by the cream of Hollywood society.好莱坞的大牌影星们出席了那个舞会。I used to fantasize that my real parents were famous movie stars.我过去常幻想我的亲生父母是著名影星Being the daughter of a famous film star can be more of a hindrance than a help in getting your career off the ground.著名影星女儿的身份可能不但不能帮你,反而会阻碍你自己事业的腾飞。Present tonight at the long-awaited opening of this film are a whole galaxy of stars from the acting and musical professions.人们期待已久的电影首映式今晚举行,一大批影星歌星前来捧场。There was a flurry of activity as the movie star appeared on the balcony.那名影星在戏院楼座上一露面就引发了一阵骚动。Movie star Matt Damon is one of the special guests on tonight's show.影星马特・达蒙是今晚节目的特邀嘉宾之一。He was handsome and well-built, like a Hollywood movie star.他英俊健壮,像个好莱坞影星It didn't matter that Ingrid had outdistanced them as a movie star.作为一名影星,英格丽已经远远地超越了她们,但这却无关紧要。John Cusack is one of my favourite movie stars.约翰·丘萨克是我最喜爱的影星之一。The movie made him a full-blown star.这部电影使他成为一名真正的影星The star Marlon Brando wants his name removed from the credits.影星马龙·白兰度要求把他的名字从演职员表中删掉。The death of the former movie star passed unnoticed.这位昔日的影星悄然离世。At our annual ceremony we had a whole constellation of movie stars and directors.在我们的年度庆典上,影星导演济济一堂。She put her singing career on the back burner to pursue her dream of being a movie star.为追求影星梦,她暂时把歌唱事业搁置一旁。Those movie stars live pretty high off the hog.那些影星生活得很奢侈。The movie star received tons of fan mail.那位影星收到了许许多多影迷的来信。She's one of those movie stars who pops up everywhere, on TV, in magazines, on Broadway.她是那种四处露脸的影星,在电视上、杂志上、百老汇,到处可见她的身影。Yul had stood under the cinema marquee and decided to become a movie star.尤尔早已站在影院天棚下,决意成为一名影星Monroe was the ultimate Hollywood movie star.梦露是最出色的好莱坞影星Eddie Murphy is one of the most successful stars in Hollywood.埃迪·墨菲是好莱坞最成功的影星之一。The movie star was swarmed by adoring fans.这位影星被众多粉丝围了起来。The movie star was surrounded by a protective cocoon of bodyguards.保镖们在那个影星周围,形成一个保护层。To avoid the crowds the film star travels incognito.为了避开人群,影星旅行时常隐匿身份。Has somebody helped himself to some film star's diamonds?有人偷了某个影星的钻石了吗?She was very different from the general run of American movie stars.她和一般的美国影星有很大差别。These days, most of the houses in the Hollywood Hills are owned by aging movie stars and rich businessmen.如今好莱坞山的大多数房子都是那些上了年纪的影星和有钱的商人所拥有的。




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