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词汇 彗星
例句 Scientists discovered a new comet.科学家们发现了一颗新的彗星We were not altogether sure that the comet would miss the Earth.我们不能完全肯定彗星不会与地球相撞。This deviates the orbit of the comet to a very large extent.这使彗星严重偏离了轨道。Comets appear at predictable times.彗星在预计的时间出现。That comet is invisible to the unaided eye.那颗彗星只用肉眼是看不到的。Comets are balls of ice and dirt that circle the sun.彗星是冰和尘埃组成的球体,围绕太阳而行。Comets moved in the direct sense, west to east.彗星从西向东以顺行方向运动。There are many unnamed comets and asteroids.有许多未命名的彗星和小行星。Without a telescope, the comet will look like a fuzzy blob.不用望远镜的话,那颗彗星看上去就像一个模糊不清的亮点。Comets appear to have an almost starlike core.彗星似乎有和类行星几乎一样的核心。The Earth crosses the tracks of certain comets.地球会穿越某些彗星的轨道。We stared up at the heavens trying to see the comet.我们仰望天空想看到彗星An unwary observer could easily mistake this constellation for a comet.粗心的观测者很容易把这个星座误认为是彗星They called it a comet, for lack of a better term/word. 因为想不出一个更好的术语/词语,他们就叫它彗星了。The comet was on a collision course with the planet.那颗彗星有可能与这颗行星相撞。The comet's ices, heated by the sun, rapidly and spectacularly sublimate to gas.彗星上的冰块在太阳热的作用下迅速而壮观地升华成气体。As comets go, it is a whopper.彗星而言,它可是个庞然大物。We can see comets only when they come close to the earth.只有当彗星接近地球时,我们才能看得见它们。The orbit of this comet intersects the orbit of the Earth.这颗彗星的轨道与地球的轨道交叉。I caught a fleeting glimpse of the comet.我看见了一闪而过的彗星The comet was at its farthest point from the sun.那颗彗星处在距太阳的最远点。The Comets were eliminated from play-off contention.彗星队被淘汰,无缘季后赛。Astronomers say that over the next few weeks the comet will be coming into view.天文学家说未来几个星期能见到彗星The comet was formed when a planet broke up at some time in the distant past.彗星是很久以前的行星碎裂而形成的。




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