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例句 I was told to go to Reading for this interview. It was a very amusing affair. Anyhow, I got the job.我被通知前往雷丁面试。整个过程很有意思。总之,我被录用了。The argument for recruiting McGregor was unanswerable.录用麦格雷戈的主张毋庸置疑。I haven't had a definite job offer yet, but I've received a few feelers. 我还没有收到一封明确的录用信,但已经有几个单位试探了我的意向。When Wardell was interviewed, he was impressive, and so he was hired.沃德尔在面试时表现出色,因而被录用He was hired right out of business school and started climbing the corporate ladder.他从商学院一毕业就被录用,然后开始了在公司的发展。She was snapped up by a large law firm.她很快被一家大律师事务所录用I applied but they rejected me.我申请了,但他们没录用我。The argument for recruiting McGregor was unanswerable.录用麦格雷戈的理由毋庸置疑。The interview is just a formality; you're bound to be accepted.面试不过是走形式;你一定会被录用的。The job offer still hasn't come through.工作录用函还没有寄来。They vetted her thoroughly before offering her the job.录用她之前,他们对她进行了仔细的审查。I gave him the job because he was willing to learn and seemed as keen as mustard.录用他是因为他愿意去学并且看起来对这份工作颇有兴趣。Our main criterion for hiring new employees is that they have a lot of past work experience.具有丰富的工作经验是我们录用新员工的主要标准。Thousands of men apply to join the Marines but only a small number are accepted.数以千计的人申请参加海军陆战队,但只有少数人被录用Her application went through and she was hired.她的求职被接受,她被录用了。Successful applicants will be expected to travel extensively.录用者需要经常出差。This letter does not constitute an offer of employment.这封信并不能视为一封工作录用函。She was hired based on her past experience in sales.因为之前的销售经历,她被录用了。It was quite a turnup for the book when I was offered the job.我被录用做这件工作实在是件意想不到的事。They refused to accept women as bus drivers.他们拒绝录用妇女来当公交车司机。She was hired without regard to race, age, or gender. 种族、年龄和性别都没有影响到她被录用She was admitted to his office immediately upon her arrival.她一来就立即被他的办事处录用了。She was given absolute control over all recruitment decisions.所有的人事录用决策,她都有绝对的控制权。I wasn't qualified to apply for the job really but I got it anyhow.实际上我并不具备申请这份工作的资格,但不管怎样,我还是被录用了。She was in the right place at the right time and they hired her immediately.她来得恰是时候,因此他们立刻录用了她。We give preference to applicants with some experience.我们优先录用有经验的申请人。The management reserves the right to refuse admission.管理层保留拒绝录用的权利。




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