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例句 The decision aroused/created much controversy among the students.这个决定在学生当中引起很大争议。His comments are likely to ignite a debate about the future of theatre.他的评论很可能引起有关戏剧前景的辩论。He looked genial enough as he called for their attention, but it was push-button geniality.当他要引起他们的注意时,他看上去够和蔼可亲的,但这是一种召之即来挥之则去的和蔼可亲。He felt that much unhappiness was due to sexual repression.他感到许多的不快都是由性压抑引起的。The new arrangement caused a lot of bad feeling.新的安排引起了许多人的不满。The announcement caused a lot of hullabaloo.这则公告引起了极大的喧闹。An object from the past can be used to engage the students' interest and awaken curiosity.旧时的一件物品可以用来引起学生的兴趣并唤起他们的好奇心。Athletes know that cold weather can induce muscle spasms.运动员们知道寒冷的天气可能会引起肌肉痉挛。The new French movie was the sensation of the film festival.这部法国电影新作在本次电影节上引起了轰动。The publication of their findings created an immediate controversy.他们的发现公布之后立刻引起了争议。The Concorde disaster was caused by a tyre bursting.那次协和式飞机灾难是因一个轮胎爆裂引起的。Deep internal forces cause movements of the earth's crust.深处的内在作用力引起地壳运动。A great deal of anger was aroused by Campbell's decision.坎贝尔的决定引起人们强烈的愤怒。Her remarks produced an awkward silence.她的讲话引起了一阵尴尬的沉默。The police said the murder was sectarian.警方称这起谋杀是由宗派纷争引起的。An accident on the London-Brighton road has caused a major hold-up.在伦敦至布赖顿公路上的一次交通事故引起了严重的堵塞。Nobody knows what explosive arguments the future of Europe will bring.没有人知道欧洲的未来这一议题会引起怎样爆炸性的讨论。His sudden reappearance must have been a shock.他突然再次出现一定引起了震动。A flight eastbound causes more severe jetlag than flying west.向东飞行的航班比向西飞行的航班引起的时差反应更大。The trial drew widespread comment.这次审判引起了广泛议论。His name just leapt off the page at me.他的名字一下就引起了我的注意。Drugs taken by the mother caused deformity of the fetus.母亲服用的药物引起胎儿的畸形。Eczema can have extrinsic causes.湿疹可能由外部因素引起There is growing dissatisfaction with the current style of management.目前的管理方式引起了越来越多的不满。The plan to cull large numbers of baby seals has angered environmental groups.选择性捕杀大量小海豹的计划引起了环保组织的强烈愤慨。A lot of problems can be caused by well-meaning friends.很多问题会由好心办坏事的朋友引起The President's resignation leads to extensive speculation.总统的辞职引起了人们的广泛猜测。Listeria can cause fatal blood poisoning.利斯特菌会引起致命的血液中毒。He has been sleeping rough in the streets to highlight the plight of the homeless.他一直露宿街头,以引起人们对无家可归者境况的关注。His theories have generated a great deal of interest among other scientists.他的理论在其他科学家当中引起了很大兴趣。The accident was caused by ice on the road.事故是由路面结冰引起的。The chief purpose of the march was to draw attention to the poor condition of schools.这次游行示威的主要目的是想引起大家对学校的恶劣状况的关注。A gas leak caused the explosion.煤气泄漏引起了爆炸。He tried to catch her eye.他试着引起她的注意。It has been proved that sunbathing causes premature ageing of the skin.日光浴已被证明会引起皮肤早衰。The subject of abortion always arouses strong emotions.堕胎问题总是会引起强烈的情绪。Their new defender is dynamite.他们那位新的辩护人引起了轰动。The police said their suspicions were aroused because Mr Owens had other marks on his body.警方说欧文斯先生尸体上的其他伤痕引起了他们的怀疑。Such incidents would provoke press interest.这类事件总会引起新闻界的兴趣。His ouster sent reverberations throughout the country.他的被迫下台在全国引起阵阵冲击波。




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