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词汇 开始行动
例句 Getting started is half the battle.开始行动就是成功的一半。They were prepared and ready to spring into action.他们准备好随时开始行动The full state and police machinery ground into action.全州所有机构和警察部门已经开始行动了。The cops are just waiting for the guy to make his move.警察正等着那家伙开始行动Politicians have already swung into action.政界人士已经开始行动了。All the preparations have been completed, so we are ready to go.一切准备就绪,我们随时可以开始行动The troops were sent into action in full daylight.军队在大白天开始行动OK, the boat's ready, so let's get this show on the road.好吧,船已经备好,我们开始行动吧。




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