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词汇 prefer
例句 Some people prefer a vacation with a lot of planned activities.一些人喜欢假期里安排很多活动。Do you prefer your curry hot or mild?你的咖喱饭要辣的还是不辣的?Most people have self-pride enough to prefer work to unemployment.大多数人很有自尊心,宁可工作而不愿失业。I'd prefer that she act the young lady.我倒认为她演那个年轻女子好。He refused to prefer his claim as legal heir.他不愿提出法定继承人的权利要求。I prefer bourbon to Scotch.与苏格兰威士忌相比,我更喜欢喝波旁威士忌。Do you prefer cooking with electricity or gas?你做饭喜欢用电还是用天然气?They prefer staying indoors when the weather is cold.天冷时他们宁愿待在屋里。If you prefer mild flavours leave out the chilli.如果你喜欢清淡的口味,就别放辣椒。I prefer to travel light. 我喜欢轻装旅行。You may simply prefer just to sit on the terrace with a cocktail.你也许只是想坐在阳台上喝一杯鸡尾酒。To be honest, I prefer his flower pictures to his nudes.说实话,与他的裸体画相比,我更喜欢他的花卉作品。I prefer pale colours.我更喜欢浅颜色。I prefer to spend Easter at home.我更喜欢在家里过复活节。I prefer to stand on the sidelines and watch.我宁肯当局外人旁观。I prefer playing singles to doubles.和双打比起来我更喜欢单打。American consumers prefer white eggs; conversely, British buyers like brown eggs.美国的消费者喜欢白色的鸡蛋,而英国的消费者却相反,他们喜欢棕色的鸡蛋。When planting seedlings I prefer to mark out the rows in advance.种树苗的时候,我喜欢事先划分出行来。Huge majorities apparently prefer reducing unemployment to fighting inflation.绝大多数人似乎希望降低失业率多于抑制通货膨胀。We would both prefer to live in the north of England, but there aren't many jobs there.我们两人都宁愿住在英格兰北部地区,但那里就业机会不是很多。Whereas West Germans drink wine, their Eastern cousins prefer Schnapps.西德人喝葡萄酒,而他们东德的兄弟姐妹则喜欢喝杜松子酒。They prefer the country to the city.比起城市,他们更喜欢乡村。Most schools nowadays prefer to use continuous assessment, because it gives a fairer picture of how the student has done during the whole year.大部分学校现在都喜欢进行持续性评估,因为这样能够更加公正地反映出学生在整个学年内的表现。There are many stories which describe wolves as dangerous, blood-thirsty animals, but actually they prefer to avoid human beings.有许多故事把狼说成是危险而嗜血成性的动物,但实际上它们宁可避开人类。Women worldwide prefer to marry up.全世界的女人都想嫁给比自己有地位的男人。Her children prefer to eat their sandwiches with the crust cut off.她的孩子们喜欢吃切掉面包皮的三明治。These plants prefer an acid soil.这些植物喜欢酸性土壤。I still prefer to play in defence.我还是更喜欢打防守。French people usually prefer to buy goods that are made in France.法国人通常更喜欢买法国货。I prefer to keep busy.我喜欢保持忙碌状态。I happen to prefer action movies myself.我自己碰巧喜欢动作片。I prefer not to transact business over the phone.我不喜欢在电话里处理业务。Many would prefer to see him step aside in favour of a younger man.很多人更希望看到他下台,以让位给更年轻的人。I prefer tea to coffee.我喜欢茶胜于咖啡。Do you prefer a feather pillow or a foam pillow?你喜欢羽绒枕头还是海绵枕头?Most workers prefer a smoke-free environment at the office.大多数工作人员都喜欢办公室里是禁烟环境。I am not a country person at all. I prefer the city.我根本就不是热爱乡村的那种人,我更喜欢城市。I prefer not to expose my money to too much risk.我不想把自己的钱财置于太大的风险之中。I prefer to wait and see how things go.我宁可先看看事态如何发展再说。They prefer to stay in their home country because of family ties.因为家族关系,他们宁愿待在国内。




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