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The construction company had to get the contract, by hook or by crook.那家建设公司欲得契约,不择手段。The proposed building would be visually intrusive.提议建设的大楼将会有碍观瞻。Today most planning authorities enforce fairly strict guidelines on new houses.现在,大多数建筑规划当局对建设新住房都实施比较严格的指导原则。There is controversy about a proposal to build a nuclear power station.对于建议中的建设核电站一事存有争议。There have been efforts to match demand with supply by building new schools.通过建设新学校来努力实现供需平衡。The Athenians progressed furthest towards developing a truly democratic society.雅典人在建设真正的民主社会方面进步最大。The Government has ruled out the building of a new airport on a greenfield site.政府禁止在一块未开发地皮上建设新机场的。The church was built on traditional lines.这个教会是按照传统方式组织建设的。The King's Reach hotel was built as a speculative venture but never completed.金里奇酒店本来是作为一个投机性的风险项目建设的,但一直没有完工。Major engineering challenges will be faced during construction.建设过程将面临重大的工程问题。The school is having/holding a benefit to raise money for a new gymnasium.学校正举行公益活动,为新体育馆的建设筹措资金。The surge in new housing construction ought to provide a stimulus to the economy.新住宅的建设浪潮应当能刺激经济。The town has passed a zoning ordinance limiting construction.镇上通过了限制建设的分区法规。The money is there for local government to spend on public services.那些钱是供地方政府投入公共服务建设的。One member of the planning committee had a conflict of interest as he lived near the proposed road.规划委员会的一位成员就住在计划建设的公路旁,因此有利益上的冲突。After months of delay, construction on the new school began.拖延数月之后,新学校开工建设了。Work has started on the construction of a container terminal.货柜码头的建设已经动工。We just are not paying attention to the structure of cities.我们恰恰没关注这些城市的建设格局。Construction of the tunnel was brought to a crashing halt when the funds ran out.资金用完后,隧道建设也就骤然停顿下来。This money can be directed towards poverty alleviation and rural development.这笔钱可以用于扶贫和乡村建设。Rodgers was not an opponent of the new airport.罗杰斯并不反对建设新机场。The building of the new school will go out to tender.新校的建设将对外招标。The survival course was intended as a team-building exercise.生存课程意在建设团队。Construction on the new school will begin soon.新校舍的建设即将开工。The military is continuing to work on its missile defense system.军方在继续致力建设导弹防御系统。He said not one red cent of taxpayers' money had been spent on the construction.他说纳税人的钱没有一分被用在建设上。The strong economy has fueled the construction of new homes.强劲的经济为新住房的建设提供了动力。There is busy constructional activity in the downtown area.市中心区里建设忙。Looking to the future, the Government will firm up their plans for a cleaner, greener, safer Britain.展望未来,政府将更加明确其计划,建设一个更清洁、更环保、更安全的英国。We need everyone's help in creating a better society.我们需要大家齐心协力建设一个更加美好的社会。Plans for the new stadium are on the drawing board. 新体育场的建设规划仍在筹划中。Individualism, and the breakdown of social harmony, had a constructive purpose. But they also carried a price.个人主义以及社会和谐的崩溃具有一定的建设意义,然而这也是有代价的。We need to reach out as much as possible to make this a truly inclusive organization.为了建设成一个真正广泛的组织,我们还需要尽量扩大接触面。The council has given the green light to the new shopping centre.政务委员会已经准许建设新购物中心。Construction of the new road has now been completed.新公路的建设现已完工。The governor has vowed to push ahead with the airport.州长发誓要推进机场的建设。The mayor remarked on/upon how quickly the construction of the new civic center was progressing.市长评论新市政大厦的建设进展迅速。One more bank will provide sanction for both construction finance as well as home finance.还有一家银行将为建设及住宅资金提供支持。The contract commits the company to finishing the bridge by next fall.合同规定公司须于明年秋季完成大桥建设工作。The company won a prestigious contract for work on Europe's tallest building.这家公司赢得了一份极为重要的合同,参与建设欧洲最高的大厦。 |