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词汇 chickened
例句 He chickened out of playing when he saw the other team.当他看到对阵队伍时,吓得放弃了比赛。He took the plunge when others chickened out.在别人畏缩不前的时候他断然采取了行动。I was going to go bungee jumping, but I chickened out.我原打算去玩蹦极跳的,可是因为害怕放弃了。I chickened out at the last moment.我临阵退缩了。He chickened out of asking her to the party.他没胆儿邀请她参加聚会。She chickened out of telling her father that she and David were going to live together.她最终不敢告诉父亲她打算与戴维同居。He was going to ask her on a date, but he chickened out at the last minute.他本打算约她出来,但临阵退缩了。I was supposed to make the introductory speech, but I chickened out at the last minute.本来应该由我来致开场白,但我在最后一刻打了退堂鼓。




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