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词汇 店主
例句 He's a shopkeeper.他是一位店主The owner let us have the first bottle of wine on the house.我们喝的第一瓶葡萄酒是店主免费招待的。Local shopkeepers fear the worst if the new supermarket is built.当地的店主害怕新超市一旦建成会对自己极为不利。The shopkeeper is unlikely to prosecute if the stolen goods are returned.如果被盗货品被归还,店主就不大可能提出起诉。The shopkeeper pressed the panic button and the police arrived in minutes.店主按下了紧急按钮,几分钟后警察赶到了。He bypassed the manager and talked directly to the owner.他越过经理直接与店主谈话。The owner of the store is often there to offer customers expert opinion. 店主经常向顾客们提供专业意见。They told the shopkeeper to keep the change.他们告诉店主不用找钱了。The store owner charged off all the last season's stock of suits.店主把上一季度的全部服装作为损耗在账上注销。He was caught shoplifting, but the store owner didn't press charges.他在商店行窃被当场抓住,但店主没有起诉他。The storekeeper signed a complaint accusing them of shoplifting.店主签署了控告书,指控他们在店里扒窃货物。Shopkeepers expertly rolled spices up in bay leaves.店主熟练地将调料卷进月桂树叶里。The new owners have tried to give the restaurant a more family-friendly atmosphere.店主试图给这家饭店营造一种有利于举家进餐的友好气氛。Shop-owners and residents alike seem bemused by the recent arrival of so many tourists.店主和居民似乎都对近来出现那么多游客感到不解。The shopkeeper buys his fruit and vegetables at wholesale prices.店主以批发价购买水果和蔬菜。The gangsters shook the store owner down every month.这帮歹徒每月向店主敲诈。She complained loudly to the owner of the store, who answered her mildly.她冲著和颜悦色答复她的店主大声抱怨。The owner of the store was sweeping his floor when I walked in.我进去的时候店主正在扫地。Some shopkeepers closed early to prevent the wholesale destruction of their property by the hooligans.有些店主为了防止那些街头恶棍大肆破坏他们的财产而早早关门。Local merchants have had trouble with vandals breaking windows.当地店主苦恼的是,常有流氓砸打橱窗。Last month a shopkeeper's nephew was shot dead.上个月一名店主的侄子被枪杀了。The shopkeeper couldn't find enough change for me so he let me take it out in more cigars.店主没有足够的零钱找给我,他就多给了我一些雪茄烟作抵充。The storekeeper carefully lined up the cans on the shelf.店主小心翼翼地把货架上的瓶瓶罐罐摆放整齐。The shopkeeper foisted costly and inferior goods on his customers.店主用欺骗手段把质次价昂的商品卖给顾客。Neighbouring shopkeepers ran after the man and caught him.附近的店主在那个男人后面追赶并把他抓住了。The owner was so irate he almost threw me out of the place.店主非常恼火,差点把我从那个地方扔出去。The store's owner had seen one of the girls palm a lipstick before heading for the door.店主看见其中一个女孩把一支唇膏藏在手心,然后朝门口走去。The town's people often barter with the owner of the store.镇上居民经常与店主进行以物易物的交易。The shopkeeper gave his store a final checkup before closing for the night.店主在晚上打烊前对商店作了最后检查。The shopkeeper pulled down the blinds.店主把百叶窗拉下。As proprietors of the general store, Mr and Mrs Stacey knew everything that went on in the town.斯泰西夫妇是杂货店店主,镇里发生的一切他们都知道。The owner knew about the engagement and brought them glasses of champagne on the house.店主知道了订婚一事,于是免费请他们喝香槟。The shopkeeper made a rude comment about shoplifters and looked pointedly at the boy standing next to me.店主说了句针对商店扒手的粗鲁话,并若有所指地看着站在我旁边的那个男孩。The girl had only worked for the shopkeeper for a week when she packed him in.这姑娘替那店主只干了一星期就辞职不干了。For years the gang extorted money from local storekeepers.多年来这伙流氓一直向当地的店主勒索钱财。Some businessmen provide free parking for their customers.有些店主为他们的顾客免费提供停车场地。While we were admiring the rugs, the shopkeeper started to unroll a splendid carpet.我们在欣赏小地毯的时候,店主开始铺开一卷华丽的大地毯。Shopkeepers would once have been pillars of the Tory establishment.小商店店主一度本可能成为保守党当权派的中坚支持者。The landlord came over to serve me.店主走过来接待我。The store's owner agreed not to prosecute if the boy returned the stolen goods.店主同意只要男孩归还赃物就不起诉他了。




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