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She pounded on the door, but no answer came.她用力敲门,却没人来应门。He burst in without waiting for her to answer.未等她应门,他就冲了进来。I knocked on the door for a long time, but no one answered.我敲了好一会儿门,但是没有人来应门。She answered the door clothed only in her bathrobe.她只穿着睡衣就去应门了。He refused to answer the doorbell.他拒绝应门。A strange man answered the door.一个陌生男子出来应门。Rosie ran downstairs to answer the door.罗茜跑下楼去应门。I tried knocking on her door, but there was no answer.我试着敲了敲她的门,但是没人应门。I've been ringing the door bell, there's no answer.我一直按门铃,但是没有人应门。Midge went to answer the bell.米基去应门。Sam got up and went to answer the door.萨姆起身去应门。 |