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词汇 chest
例句 Breathe out and ease your knees in toward your chest.呼气,膝部放松向胸部靠拢。You never quite know what Barry's going to do next - he keeps his cards very close to his chest.你永远不太会知道巴里接下来会有什么举动——他总是守口如瓶。He stopped running and stood there with his chest heaving.他不跑了,站在那里直喘气。She broke free by thrusting her elbow into his chest.她用肘猛击他的胸部,挣脱了出来。Expel all the air from your chest.呼出胸腔中所有的空气。He plugged him right in the chest.他开枪正好击中他的胸部。The chest was made for a bride's trousseau.这个柜子是为新娘的嫁妆而做的。Never keep on exercising if you have even the slightest chest pain.即使你只感到很轻微的胸部疼痛,也不要继续锻炼。Before she went on stage her chest felt tight and her throat hurt.她上台前胸口发闷,喉咙疼痛。He died after being knifed in the chest.他被人用刀捅在胸口上而死。Governor Caperton has the largest campaign war chest.卡珀顿州长筹得的竞选资金数额最大。His eyes were roving across her chest.他的眼睛在她的胸部扫来扫去。She hugged her legs tight to her chest.她将双腿紧紧抱在胸前。The dead soldier is reported to have been fatally wounded in the chest.据报告,死去的那位士兵胸部受了致命伤。No one knows if he's going to run for reelection. He's still playing his cards close to his chest.没人知道他是否会参加连任竞选,他现在还守口如瓶。The knife entered his chest and pierced his heart.刀子插进了他的胸膛,刺穿了他的心脏。Her heart was pounding in her chest.她的心在胸膛内怦怦直跳。She wears loose clothes to hide her flat chest.她穿着宽松的衣服来掩饰扁平的胸部。She's had a very bad chest for a year on and off.她一年来断断续续地有很严重的呼吸道问题。There's something wrong with my chest - it feels really tight.我胸口不适,感觉很闷。He thrust the knife deep into the animal's chest.他把刀深深地刺进那只动物的胸口。They are broad in the shoulder, deep in the chest, and thin in the flank, carrying no lumber.他们宽肩伟胸,胁腹精瘦,身上不长多余的肉。The pain is in my upper chest.我的上胸部疼痛。When he woke up, he was aware of a tight feeling in his chest.他醒来时感到胸闷。Once the patient was fully anesthetized, the surgeon made a small incision in his chest.病人一旦完全麻醉后,外科医生就在他胸部切开一个小口。Her chest pains turned out to be caused by a minor heart attack.她胸口疼痛是由轻微心脏病发作引起的。The border guard folded his arms across his chest and glared.边防卫士双臂交叉放在胸前怒目而视。I put my head on his chest but I could feel no heartbeat.我把头贴近他的胸口,但感觉不到他的心跳。Virginia's heart lurched painfully in her chest.弗吉尼娅胸口一阵疼痛。Have you had any chest pains?你有过胸腔疼痛吗?Electrodes were attached to his chest in order to measure his heart rate.他的胸部接上了电极以测量他的心率。A chest x-ray showed an abnormality in the left lung apex.胸部透视显示左肺尖部异常。Doctors cut out the lump from her chest.医生切除了她胸部的肿块。She was hit in the chest by two of the bullets.她胸部中了两弹。Jo flew at him, pummelling his chest with clenched fists.乔猛地扑向他,紧握双拳对他当胸一顿狂揍。The swelling spread to her neck and chest. Then it began to ossify.肿胀蔓延到了她的脖子和胸部,然后开始骨化。If we turn the chest sideways, I think we can get it through the door.如果我们把箱子侧过来,我想就可以通过门口了。After more misses, they finally put two arrows into the lion's chest.又射偏了几次之后,他们终于把两支箭射入了狮子的胸膛。You should seek medical help immediately if you experience any chest pain or shortness of breath.要是胸痛或气短,得马上寻求医疗救助。She sat back, nestling against his chest.她坐着向后一靠,偎依在他的胸前。




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