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词汇 布莱恩
例句 Brian's retirement brings to a close a glorious chapter in British football history.布莱恩的挂靴为英国足球史上光辉的一章画上了休止符。Bryn Terfel is a famous singer from Wales.布莱恩·特费尔是威尔士著名歌手。I always encouraged Brian. I didn't want to stand in his way.我始终鼓励布莱恩,我可不想做他的绊脚石。Another senior player, Brian Tobin, has also been in devastating form.另一位资格较老的选手布莱恩・托宾竞技状态也非常好。Blaine works in the financial district.布莱恩在金融区工作。Brian has a fascination for girls.布莱恩令女孩子著迷。You can always rely on Brian to do a good job.你可以一直信赖布莱恩会把工作做得很好。Brian had written it himself.这是布莱恩亲笔所写。Brian keyed in his personal code.布莱恩键入了他的个人密码。Brian always makes such a drama out of everything.布莱恩总是对什么事都大惊小怪的。Brian had an MRI taken Sunday.布莱恩星期天拍了磁共振图像。She called a cab, fixed her face, and scrawled a hasty note to Brian.她叫了辆出租车,补了一下妆,匆匆地给布莱恩写了张便条。Brian reached out to the crying child.布莱恩伸出手去哄哭闹的孩子。She noticed the light spilling under Brian's door.她注意到布莱恩门底下透出的光。Brian sighed peevishly.布莱恩焦躁地叹了一口气。We've had no word from Brian yet.布莱恩还没有给我们任何消息。Brian's attitude towards his work has always been very positive.布莱恩对工作的态度向来非常积极主动。I didn't suspect Brian was seeing anyone else.我没有怀疑过布莱恩有别的约会对象。Brian had taken a strong liking to him.布莱恩对他产生了强烈的好感。




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