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The local council runs some good play schemes.当地市政会主持着几个不错的娱乐计划。Councils should be answerable to the people who elect them.市政会成员应对推选他们的人负责。We could find out from the local council.我们可以从当地市政会了解情况。The bills are sent out on different dates to spread the workload on council staff.这些议案都是在不同的日期分发下去的,以便分散市政会工作人员的工作量。I was absolutely scandalized to hear that the council has demolished that lovely old building.听说市政会把那所漂亮的古老建筑拆毁了,我感到非常震惊。The council and the government are of one mind on the long-term objective.市政会和政府在长期目标上是一致的。The city council has decided to bring back the old electric trams.市政会决定恢复运营旧电车。She wrote an indignant letter to the paper complaining about the council's action.她给报纸写了一封义愤填膺的信抗议市政会的做法。The council is signally failing to keep the streets clean.市政会显然未能使街道保持清洁。The council has operated much more effectively since pragmatism replaced political dogma.实用主义取代政治教条后,市政会的工作更有效了。The council do cheap offers on compost bins.市政会廉价提供堆肥桶。He didn't use his position on the council to lord it over people.他并没有利用自己在市政会的地位在人前逞威风。The previous city council was wont to overspend.先前的市政会常常会超支。The council had been handing out grants indiscriminately, and people were hurrying to get their snouts in the trough.市政会一直在不加鉴别地分发补助金,结果人们都趋之若鹜地去捞一份。His wife is contesting a seat on the council.他妻子在角逐市政会里的一个席位。Lack of evidence meant that the Council could not proceed against Mr Naylor.证据不足意味着市政会不能起诉内勒先生。The council must provide housing for young people whose welfare is seriously prejudiced.市政会必须为遭遇严重不幸的年轻人提供住房。We have had some reassurances from the council that the building will be saved.市政会保证会保留那座建筑,这使我们得到了些许安慰。The present crisis is the result of years of wilful neglect by the council.当前的危机是市政会多年来故意忽视的结果。The Council had acted in a negligent manner.市政会的做法属于失职。We'll have to get the people at the city council to look at these plans.我们必须请市政会的人来查看一下这些计划。Education comprises two-thirds of all local council spending.教育占地方市政会全部开支的三分之二。The council has got the road up because of a broken sewer.因为下水管道破裂,市政会正在整修道路。The city council had continued to overspend, assuming that the federal government would come to the rescue.市政会继续超支,以为联邦政府会资助他们。The council seems likely to overspend this year.市政会今年可能会超支。The council, in its wisdom, decided to close the library and now the building stands empty.市政会以他们的智慧决定关闭那所图书馆,于是现在那座大楼就空置着。They lease the site from the council.他们向市政会租来这块场地。An elected committee will meet monthly to modulate the council's energy policy.一个选举产生的委员会将每月碰面以调整市政会的能源政策。The local council has just set up a committee to study recycling.当地市政会刚刚成立了一个研究资源再生利用问题的委员会。The Chairman's opinion isn't worth a rap; the council votes as it pleases.主席的意见全然无关紧要,市政会总是按自己意愿投票的。The town council has refused permission for the march.市政会已拒绝批准游行示威。The council is making a great effort to provide cheap housing and more public facilities.市政会正在尽很大努力提供廉价的住房和更多的公共设施。Councillors say plastic-framed windows lower the tone of the neighbourhood.市政会委员说塑料框架的窗户让这个社区掉份儿了。Increasingly, there is pressure on the council to reverse its decision.要求市政会推翻其决定的压力越来越大。The council has waged a vigorous campaign against the proposal.市政会发起了一场激烈的运动反对这项提议。The council was too weak to do anything about it.市政会手中无权,对此无能为力。The council spends a lot of money keeping the town spick and span.市政会花了大笔的钱保持小镇的整洁。We are heading for a crisis, with cash-starved councils forced to cut back on vital community services.资金紧张的市政会不得不削减主要社区服务项目经费,我们眼看就要陷入危机。The council's relative independence of the government means it can negotiate its own agreements.市政会相对独立于政府,意味着它可以自主谈判签订协议。Quentin's supporters were clearly in a minority as the City Council heard arguments for his dismissal.在市政会听取有关昆廷被开除的辩论时,支持昆廷的人显然只有少数。 |