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词汇 short of
例句 Anyway, the long and the short of it is that we got our money back in the end.不管怎样,重要的是我们最终拿回了自己的钱。The patient complains that he's short of breath.病人说自己呼吸困难。The boss said that he was unhappy with some of his employees, but he stopped short of naming which ones. 老板说他对一些员工不满意,但他没有指名道姓。She got short of breath very easily because she was so overweight.她太胖了,所以动不动就喘不过气来。We're short of milk, so go easy with it.我们的牛奶不多,所以要省着点。The party had just begun and we were already running short of beer.聚会才刚刚开始,我们的啤酒就快喝完了。Her current book falls short of her previous novel.她现在的这部书没她上一部小说写得好。The condition of the inner cities in this country is nothing short of a crime.这个国家各旧城区的情况简直惨不忍睹。So unless you are a few sandwiches short of a picnic, it becomes fairly obvious that we will be the next target.除非你脑子缺根筋,要不然不可能看不出来我们会是下一个目标。I'm short of money this week.我这个星期缺钱。His last visit to Washington was little short of a fiasco.他最近对华盛顿的访问几乎是一场惨败。She stopped short of denouncing him as a monster.她差点骂他是怪物。It's nothing short of barefaced robbery to charge this much.要价这么高,真是无异于赤裸裸的抢劫了。Our escape was nothing short of miraculous.我们的脱险简直可说是奇迹。The treatment accorded to a United Nations official was little short of insulting.联合国官员所受到的这种待遇几近羞辱。The results of the treatment were nothing short of amazing.治疗结果非常理想。The Iraqi army was acutely short of equipment.伊拉克军队严重缺乏装备。Both services are perennially short of staff.两个机构一直都是人手不够。Some people may manage their finances badly and therefore have to go short of essentials.有些人可能极不善于理财,因而不得不缺衣少食地将就过活。She's always short of breath when she climbs the stairs.她爬楼梯时总是上气不接下气。America stopped short of military retaliation, but issued a strong statement condemning the invasion.美国克制着没有实施军事报复,但是发表了一份措辞严厉的声明,谴责了这种侵略行为。He sometimes does a bit of gardening on the side when he is short of money.他缺钱用时有时也会兼职做点园艺工作。He was short of cash after the collapse of his business.他在公司垮台以后就缺钱了。I could give you a lot of reasons for my decision, but the long and short of it is that I just don't want to go.对于我的决定,我可以给你说出一大堆理由,但总而言之是我根本就不想走。Our escape was little short of miraculous.我们的脱险简直可说是奇迹。I felt a little short of breath and had to sit down.我有点儿喘不过气来,只好坐下了。The way the whales are killed is nothing short of barbaric.捕杀鲸鱼的方式简直是野蛮。Her political consciousness sprang from her upbringing when her father's illness left the family short of money.她的政治意识源于她的成长经历,那时因为父亲生病,家境窘迫。His recovery is nothing short of a miracle. = His recovery is nothing short of miraculous. 他的康复简直是个奇迹。We came up short of our goal.我们未能达到目标。Universities are short of accommodation, so some students have to live out.大学的宿舍不够住,所以有些学生只好住到校外。Well, the long and the short of it is that they got divorced last year.唔,总之,他们去年离了婚。They have no means, short of civil war, to enforce their will upon the minorities.他们只有通过内战才能将意志强加给少数派。He stopped short of explicitly criticizing the government.他几乎要直言批评政府了。The hotel service fell short of the usual standard.这家宾馆的服务不符合通常标准。Facilities in these schools fall far short of the standards required.这些学校的设施远远未达到所要求的标准。The judgment based on grounds short of actual proof may be quite mistaken.以缺乏实际证据的理由为根据作出的判断有可能是十分错误的。The plane came down just short of the runway.飞机没有落在跑道上。The reality of the cruise fell short of our expectations.乘邮轮游览的实际情况没有我们所期盼的那样好。I met Mary just short of the door.还未到门口我遇见了玛丽。




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