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词汇 巴斯
例句 Ed Bass, a millionaire from Texas, bankrolled the Biosphere project.德州百万富翁埃德·巴斯资助了生物圈计划。You have to fancy Bath because they are the most consistent team in England.你一定要看好巴斯队,因为他们是英格兰成绩最稳定的球队。After a try-out in Bath, the play is due to open in Edinburgh next month.巴斯预演后,这部戏预定下月在爱丁堡开演。What time does the last train to Bath go?巴斯的最后一趟火车什么时侯开?Mrs Bass's dog was already hot on his heels.巴斯太太的狗已经紧紧跟着他了。A carriage door struck him as a train drew into Basildon station.当火车驶进巴斯尔登站时,一节车厢的门撞到他了。She had walked out and gone to live in Bath with her granny.她离家出走后到巴斯与奶奶同住。I need a lift to Bath or thereabouts.我需要搭车到巴斯一带。A single to Bath, please.请给我一张去巴斯的单程票。Labour took Edgbaston from the Conservatives.工党从保守党手中把埃奇巴斯顿赢了过来。After a whirlwind courtship, they married and went to live in Bath.经过一场旋风式恋爱,他们结了婚并搬到巴斯生活。Europa House is one of those hundreds of nondescript buildings along the Bath Road.欧罗巴大楼是巴斯大道沿路那些成百上千幢毫无特色的建筑之一。I think he lives somewhere near Bath.我想他住在巴斯附近的某个地方。The family headed lock, stock, and barrel for the city of Bath.这一家子统统去了巴斯




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