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词汇 巴士
例句 I fell asleep on the bus and ended up in Denver.我在巴士上睡着了,醒来竟到了丹佛。It had all begun when he was riding an interstate bus to Oregon.一切都是从他搭乘开往俄勒冈的州际巴士开始的。They jammed into buses provided by the Red Cross and headed for safety.他们挤上红十字会派来的巴士前往安全的地方。The old bus was revving its engine, ready to start the journey back towards Madrid.这辆旧巴士发动了引擎,准备启程返回马德里。They jammed into buses provided by the Red Cross.他们挤进了红十字会提供的巴士里。The hotel runs a courtesy bus from the airport.这家酒店有免费巴士从机场开出。They went on an overnight bus trip.他们乘夜班巴士旅行。Video clips from the Highway Police show that the bus burst into fire after it bumped into the guardrail on the left side.高速公路警察的录影带显示那辆巴士撞到护栏之后就起火了。They got the bus tour, hotel room, and plane ticket as a package tour.他们的旅游套餐包括巴士游览、酒店房间和机票。A new bus line runs straight to the airport.一条新的巴士线路直抵机场。The bus is their preferred mode of travel.巴士是他们首选的旅行模式。The bus company operates a Monday to Saturday service.这家巴士公司周一至周六运营。Old buses are major contributors to pollution in British cities.巴士是造成英国城市污染的重要因素。A bus ferries visitors from the parking lot to the entrance gate. = A bus ferries visitors between the parking lot and the entrance gate.巴士把参观者从停车场摆渡到入口处。We left the hotel and were herded onto a bus.我们离开酒店并被带上了一辆巴士The bus from Odense rattled into a dusty village called Pozo Almonte.从欧登塞来的巴士颠簸着驶入一个叫作波索阿尔蒙特的灰蒙蒙的村庄。The bus company is operating a skeleton service on Christmas Day.巴士公司在圣诞节这天只提供最基本的营运服务。I could see the bus labouring up the steep, windy road.我看到巴士沿着当风的陡坡艰难爬行。Special bus and rail services are being laid on to cater for the crowds.正在安排专门的巴士和铁路交通服务以满足群众的需要。She watched the frantic flow of cars and buses along the street.她注视着街上小汽车和巴士汇成的滚滚车流。Tourists bundled into the waiting buses.观光者匆匆上了等候的巴士汽车。We took a tour of London on a triple-decker bus.我们乘坐三层巴士游览伦敦。It's a red bus.这是辆红色的巴士They lingered over coffee and missed the last bus.他们多喝了一会咖啡,错过了最后一辆巴士A group of tourists alighted from the boat/bus/train.一个旅行团从游船/巴士/火车上下来。A bus has been laid on to take you home.已经安排好一辆巴士送你们回家。It's a green bus.这是辆绿色的巴士The bus is said to have overturned and fallen into a ravine.据说巴士发生翻车,跌进了峡谷。The coach counted heads before the bus left.教练在巴士离开前清点了人数。The bus we rode on was a triple-decker.我们乘坐的是三层巴士All of the buses are equipped with air-conditioning. 所有的巴士都装有空调。Their car was blindsided by a bus at the intersection.他们的车在十字路口遭到一辆巴士拦腰撞击。As he crossed the street, a bus just missed hitting him.他过马路时,一辆巴士差一点撞上他。The bus bumped into the car in front.巴士撞上了前面那辆汽车。In a series of spot checks, police searched buses crossing the border.警方在一系列突击检查中搜查了过境巴士Buses were disgorging crowds of tourists onto the beach.巴士汽车把一群群游客运到沙滩上。There was a fuss when the bus broke down again.巴士又出故障时大家都抱怨起来。Musicians spend a lot of time on the tour bus going from city to city.音乐家们有很长时间都花在路上,坐着巡回演出巴士从一个城市到另一个城市。




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