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Night was already pressing in when we reached the village.我们到达村庄时天色已经黑了下来。 It was dark when the southbound international express finally passed by.南行的国际快车最后经过这里时,天已经黑了。We thought it would only take a few minutes to put up the tent but by the time we were through it was dark.我们以为搭帐篷几分钟时间就够了,可我们搭好时天都已经黑了。When we came out of the cinema, it was already dark.当我们走出电影院的时候,天已经黑了。It's dark outside.外面已经黑了。It was dark as we set off in file.等我们排着纵队出发时天已经黑了。It was already dark by the time we started for home.我们起程回家的时候,天已经黑了。Darkness had fallen by the time we reached home.我们到家的时候天已经黑了。It was dark by the time I reached their house.等我到他们家时,天已经黑了。When she awoke it was already dark.她醒来时天已经黑了。It was dark by the time she got home.她到家时天已经黑了。It was already dark by the time they arrived at their hotel.他们到达旅馆的时候,天已经黑了。It was dark when we crossed the French border.我们越过法国边界时,天已经黑了。 |