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词汇 went home
例句 I waited a quarter of an hour and then went home.我等了一刻钟然后就回家了。I was tempted to stay for another drink, but in the end I restrained myself and went home.我想再喝一杯,可是最后我忍住了并回了家。They dumped their friends at the party and went home.他们把朋友们丢在派对上自己回家了。They packed up and went home.他们打点行囊,回家了。I went home at the weekend.我周末回了家。Everyone packed up and went home.大家都收工回家了。I went home for the summer holidays.我回家过的暑假。I went home to dig around in my closets for some old tapes.我回到家后在我的壁橱里四处翻找旧磁带。They just mucked about all afternoon and went home early.他们胡闹了一个下午,然后早早回了家。I went home early because I wasn't feeling too/very good. 我提前回家了,因为我感觉不太舒服。He stayed overnight and went home the next day.他住了一晚上,第二天就回家了。Before I went home, she persuaded me to have one for the road.我告辞回家前,她劝我最后喝上一杯。We began to play tennis. However, it started to rain, so we went home.我们开始打网球。可是天下起了雨,所以我们就回家去。She said she was unaware of the problem and noted that everything was fine when she went home that night.她说她没意识到这个问题,并且指出那晚当她回家时一切正常。She went home and had a kip. 她回家睡了一会儿觉。He lost the fight and went home with his tail between his legs.他输了比赛,灰溜溜地回到家中。I went home to type up the report.我回家把报告打出来。She went home with the handsome lawyer who'd been making a play for her at the dinner dance.她跟晚宴舞会上那个百般勾引她的英俊律师一起回家了。They talked for a while and then went home together.他们交谈了一会儿,然后一起回家。He turned back from the crossroads and went home.他从十字路口折了回来,回家去了。I was feeling sick, so I went home early.我生病了,所以提前回了家。We spent half an hour looking for the keys, but eventually gave up and went home.我们找了半个小时的钥匙,但最后还是放弃,回家去了。I went home every other week.我隔周回一趟家。He had to rush back to the office and file a housing story before the secretaries went home.他不得不冲回办公室,赶在秘书们回家之前提交一篇有关住房的新闻报道。They all went home with a good taste in their mouths.他们心中都怀着好感回去了。The shop was closed, so I went home.商店关门了,所以我就回家了。The president went home leaving in his wake a string of laudatory headlines and editorials.总统回国去了,报上随后登出了一连串赞美的大标题和社论。After half an hour we got tired of waiting and went home.半小时后,我们等得不耐烦,于是回家了。I watched him go, then went home.我看着他离去,然后回了家。He wound up the English end of the business and went home.他结束了英国那一头的业务便回国了。Very few of his punches went home.他那几拳没几下真正打中要害。The computer system was down all afternoon so we went home.电脑系统整个下午都停机,于是我们便回家了。Murray and Alison came to some sort of loose arrangement before he went home.默里在回家前和艾莉森达成了大致的约定。He went home to lick his wounds after losing the election.竞选失败后他就回家休养生息去了。She shut down her computer and went home.她关上电脑后回家。The Senator went home from the capital to do some fence-mending.那位参议员从首都回到家乡,进行一些巩固政治地位的活动。She opened her handbag, lipsticked her mouth, and went home.她打开手提包,往嘴上搽点口红,然后回家了。He still went home, notwithstanding the midnight.尽管已近午夜,他还是回家去了。We went home via a shortcut.我们是走近道回家的。He went home from time to time, to keep his mother happy.他时不时地回趟家,好让母亲高兴。




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