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词汇 went on
例句 I went on every ride in the amusement park.游乐场里所有的乘坐设施我都玩过了。The climbers were trapped by a fierce storm which went on for days.登山者被一连几天的强风暴雨给困住了。He paused and then went on in a low voice.他犹豫了一下,然后低声继续说了下去。They went on a brief excursion to the coast.他们去海滨短途旅游。Some valuable paintings went on the block today.今天有几幅珍贵的画品拍卖。He went on staring out of the window.他继续凝视着窗外。She dieted and went on exercise programs but nothing seemed to work.她又是节食,又是参加健身计划,但好像都不起作用。He went on the rampage after an argument with his wife.与他妻子争吵之后,他暴跳如雷。She went on and on about how she admired his work - laid it on a bit thick, if you ask me.她一直不停地在说对他的工作有多么钦佩——要我说有点过分了。Chavasse went on deck and stood in the prow listening.查维斯走上甲板,站在船头倾听着。We rested a little, then went on.我们休息了一会儿,然后继续。Jack went on holiday to think about his future.杰克为了思考自己的前途问题外出度假。We stopped briefly in Detroit, and then went on to Chicago.我们在底特律短暂停留,接着又前往芝加哥。He curled his lip at most of what went on around him.他对自己周围发生的事情大多抱着轻蔑的态度。The hooligans went on an orgy of destruction through the streets of Hamburg.小流氓们在汉堡街头进行肆意破坏。The climbers were trapped by a fierce storm which went on for days.登山者让一连几天的强风暴雨困住了。I ended up paying full whack for items that went on sale the next day.最终我付全价买了第二天就要打折的商品。We went on all of the rides at the carnival.在游乐场我们玩了所有骑乘项目。They went on a two-day drunk. 他们连续两天狂饮作乐。As proprietors of the general store, Mr and Mrs Stacey knew everything that went on in the town.斯泰西夫妇是杂货店店主,镇里发生的一切他们都知道。They went on a bat last night.昨晚他们纵酒作乐。I went on stage and did my show.我上台作了表演。Still, the griping went on.抱怨还在继续。He went on talking, occasionally wiping at his face with a towel.他继续讲下去,偶尔用手巾擦一下脸。He went on a walking trip with some of his friends from church.他跟教会的一些朋友去远足了。The first time I went on a plane I was really nervous.我第一次坐飞机时非常紧张。He went on a journey from Wales to the Orkneys.他从威尔士旅行到奥克尼郡。She did not take the car, but went on foot.她没开车,是走着去的。She shrugged off all criticism and calmly went on with the project.她对所有的批评意见都不屑一顾,仍然不动声色地继续实行自己的计划。As time went on, I grew fond of him.随着时间的推移,我慢慢地开始喜欢他了。The noise went on for a considerable length of time.那噪音持续了一段相当长的时间。She was on trial on charges of drug possession. = She went on trial for possession of drugs.她因持有毒品而受审。They didn't take a blind bit of notice and just went on talking.他们一点也没有注意,只是继续谈话。He blithely ignored her protests and went on talking.对她的抗议他充耳不闻,继续侃侃而谈。Bill went on in the car and I followed on foot.比尔坐车先走,我步行跟在后面。But he then went on to refer very directly to the argument.不过接下来他就直切主题提到了那场争论。The whole family went on the trip.全家一起去旅行。They went on a romantic holiday in Paris.他们在巴黎度过了一个浪漫的假期。Before the singer went on, her pulse started to race.在继续演唱之前,那个女歌手的脉搏开始剧烈跳动。She picked up her bag, and went on her way.她拾起袋子,继续赶路。




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