例句 |
The car only missed us by a hair's breadth.这辆车差一点点就撞着我们。He nearly died - it was a very close thing.他几乎丢了性命,就差一点点。He narrowly lost the presidential election.竞选总统时他因票数仅差一点点而落选。That was a near miss - we must have come within an inch of that lorry!真是死里逃生——我们只差一点点就撞上了那辆运货卡车!She narrowly failed to win enough votes.她只差一点点就能获得足够的选票。I was just inside the speed limit.我离超速只差一点点。We were a hair's breadth away from winning a fortune.我们只差一点点就发大财了。 |