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词汇 工作环境
例句 The union is hoping to improve our working conditions.工会希望改善我们的工作环境Our course for new employees will help you get/find your bearings at work.我们为新员工提供的课程有助于你们熟悉工作环境We need to create a safe working environment for all employees.我们需要为所有员工创造一个安全的工作环境No working environment is entirely stress-free.没有哪个工作环境是完全不存在压力的。For them, affluence was bought at the price of less freedom in their work environment.对于他们而言,生活富裕是以工作环境更不自由为代价换来的。Poor work conditions are all the more reason to find another job.恶劣的工作环境使得人们更加有理由另找工作。Bad working conditions eventually take a toll on staff morale.恶劣的工作环境最终使员工士气大挫。In a work setting, more formal language would be used.工作环境中会使用较为正式的语言。They suffered long hours, unsafe working conditions and skimpy pay.他们在不安全的工作环境下长时间辛苦劳作,却只有微薄的工资。They were offered a few cosmetic improvements to their working conditions, but nothing of significance.表面上他们的工作环境有所改善,但并没有实质上的改变。The working conditions in the factory were positively Dickensian.那家工厂的工作环境极其恶劣。A work-to-rule is seen as a way to protest against low pay or bad working conditions.大多数的变相怠工都是对低工资或恶劣工作环境的抗议。We have tried to create a working environment in which everyone can develop their skills.我们力图创造一个让人人都可以提高技能的工作环境The computer revolution has transformed the workplace.计算机革命已经改变了我们的工作环境Laws have been made to regulate working conditions.我们制定了多项法律,以监管工作环境That company has a fast turnover because of the poor working conditions.那家公司因为工作环境很差,员工流动得很快。Several of us decided to speak up about our working conditions.我们中的几个人决定大胆谈谈我们的工作环境Employees were always complaining about their wages, their working conditions, and so forth.雇员总是在抱怨他们的工资、工作环境等等。We guarantee a smoke-free working environment.我们保证提供一个无烟的工作环境Workers demanded fair wages and better working conditions.工人要求合理的工资和更好的工作环境They are making substantial claims for improved working conditions.他们强烈要求改善工作环境The conditions under which doctors work are increasingly unhealthy and debilitating.医生的工作环境越来越不利于健康,使人衰弱。Hundreds of workers staged a walkout to protest conditions in the factory.数百名工人举行罢工,抗议工厂的工作环境A comfortable working environment will increase productivity.舒适的工作环境能提高生产效率。They complained to their boss about the dangerous working conditions.他们向老板抱怨工作环境危险。Studies show that if a working environment is pleasant, productivity increases.研究表明如果工作环境舒适,生产效率会提高。Employees were asked about their likes and dislikes, and also about how they felt about their working conditions.雇员被问起了他们的好恶,以及他们对工作环境有什么想法。More attention has been paid to workplace ecology recently.近来工作环境受到了更多地注意。The strikers are demanding higher pay and better working conditions.罢工者要求加薪并改善工作环境Employers have an obligation to provide safe working conditions.雇主有义务提供安全的工作环境The constant drumbeat for better working conditions finally made a difference.人们不断呼吁改善工作环境终于有了结果。Union leaders remain obdurate that working conditions and pay improve.工会领导坚持改善工作环境和加薪的要求。Companies must provide safe working conditions for their employees.公司必须给员工提供安全的工作环境The company took positive steps to create a safer workplace.这家公司采取了积极措施以创造一个更安全的工作环境The working conditions here leave a lot to be desired.这里的工作环境有很多需要改善的地方。The subhuman conditions of work soon caused physical deterioration.非人的工作环境不久就导致了身体状况的恶化。Some find it hard to accommodate themselves to the new working conditions.有些人觉得很难适应新的工作环境It is a well known fact that a negative working environment discourages creativity.不良的工作环境抑制人的创造力,这是人所共知的事实。The dispute is about wages, working conditions and the management of the mining industry.争论在于采矿业的工资水平、工作环境和管理方式。




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