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The ban will affect all public and work premises.该禁令将会影响到所有公共和工作场所。There is a move towards greater equality for women in the workplace.在工作场所,妇女的地位正变得越来越平等。Smoking in the workplace is becoming less and less acceptable.在工作场所抽烟越来越不被接受了。Most workplaces have a local network as well as access to the Internet.大多数工作场所既有局域网又能上互联网。Women grumble about inequalities in the workplace.女人们抱怨工作场所中的不平等。Many companies have imposed curbs on smoking in the workplace.许多公司已经限制在工作场所吸烟。The course helps women learn how to be more assertive in the workplace.这门课程帮助女性学会在工作场所如何更加自信。They managed to reform American law, and ban racial and religious discrimination in housing, schools, and the workplace.他们设法改革了美国的法律,在住房方面以及在学校和工作场所禁止种族歧视和宗教歧视。Racist or sexist remarks are never acceptable in the workplace.工作场所绝不容许有种族主义或性别歧视的言论。The company has softened its stance on dating in the workplace.公司对于在工作场所约会的态度缓和了。When a conflict arises in the workplace, you should aim to repair the relationship as quickly as possible.工作场所里发生冲突,就应该尽快努力修复关系。The survey asks workers about facilities in their workplace.这次调查向工人们询问了他们工作场所的设施情况。Lauder urged the company to develop a set of guidelines that address sexual harassment in the workplace.劳德敦促公司针对工作场所的性骚扰问题制订出一套规定。In the main, children are taboo in the workplace.工作场所基本上禁止儿童进入。The report will examine unequal pay as well as other types of gender discrimination in the workplace.这份报告将检查收入不平等和其他种类的工作场所性别歧视。The company does not yet have childcare facilities on the premises.该公司在工作场所内还没有托儿设施。The company's controversial workplace policies had resulted in a long list of aggrieved parties.该公司颇具争议的工作场所规定已经侵害了不少人的权利。Men say that they are confused by today's sexual politics in the workplace.男人们都说,如今在工作场所里的性别政治都让他们糊涂了。The new laws are designed to stop discrimination in the workplace.这些新的法律是为了防止工作场所出现歧视而制定的。Employees were asked to keep a detailed record of any accidents that occurred in the workplace.工作场所不管发生什么意外情况,他们都要求员工作好详细的记录。The boss slapped down their idea of taking a nap on the job every afternoon.老板断然拒绝他们提出的每天午后在工作场所小睡片刻的意见。They're very hot on safety in the workplace.他们对工作场所的安全要求非常严格。Some workplaces have introduced mandatory drug screening.一些工作场所引入了强制药检。US workers have little workplace protection but at least have bargaining rights.美国工人几乎没有工作场所保护,但是他们至少拥有交涉权。He used every device possible to prevent inspectors from entering the premises.他用尽一切可能的手段阻止检查员进入工作场所。The study found that women were often reduced to secondary roles in the workplace.研究发现女性在工作场所经常沦为附属的角色。Computers have brought dramatic changes to the workplace.计算机给工作场所带来了巨大的变化。We offer guidance to employers on workplace equality.我们给雇主提供有关工作场所平等的指导。It was the employer's responsibility to improve workplace safety.提高工作场所的安全性是雇主的责任。His main problem was the extremely smoky atmosphere at work.他面临的主要问题就是:工作场所总是烟雾弥漫。Warning: many links in this post are NSFW.警告:这篇文章中许多链接都不宜在工作场所观看。Better workplace design can bring real gains in productivity.更合理地安排工作场所能大大提高生产率。More employers now have well-financed and well-organized health promotion programs within the workplace.现在有越来越多的雇员在工作场所享有经费充足、安排有序的保健推广计划。One third of the room functions as workspace.房间的三分之一用作工作场所。Foul language will not be tolerated in the workplace.工作场所不准讲粗话。The workplace is the last bastion of totalitarianism.工作场所乃是最后一个坚不可摧的堡垒。The law is intended to prevent differential treatment of women in the workplace.这项法律旨在保护妇女在工作场所免受歧视。She played a key role in campaigning for equal opportunities in the workplace.她在争取工作场所机会均等的运动中起到了关键作用。Smoking is now banned in many places of work.现在许多工作场所禁止吸烟。Giving out criticism rather than praise is a tactic that rarely works in the workplace.只提出批评而不表扬,这种策略在工作场所很少行得通。 |