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词汇 岸上
例句 I jumped off the boat and waded back to shore.我跳下小船,蹚水回到了岸上There are a lot of rocks on that shore.那边岸上礁石密布。The swimmers struggled to regain the shore.游泳者们挣扎着游回岸上He would attach a cable around the chassis of the car and winch it up on to the canal bank.他会把钢丝绳拴在汽车底盘上,用卷扬机把汽车吊到运河岸上They called to us from shore, waving their arms dramatically. 他们一边从岸上朝我们大喊,一边使劲朝我们挥手。I sat on the shore and looked at the sea.我坐在岸上看海。There was a bit of a wind and it was blowing onshore, variable, but quite strong.有一阵风朝岸上吹来,风向变化不定,但风力很强。When it returns to shore, the life-jacket will deflate and revert to a harness.返回岸上后,救生衣就会瘪掉,恢复成背带状。Years of shore duty lost him his sea legs.多年的岸上勤务使他丧失了不晕船的本领。The old man went teetering along the stony shore.老人步履蹒跚地走在石子岸上The navy bombarded the shore.海军朝岸上开炮。The fisherman called to the villagers on the shore.渔夫向岸上的村民们呼喊。I looked back, but the shore was shrouded in mist.我向后看去,但是岸上被雾气笼罩着。Scores of naval guns blasted simultaneously into the shore.舰炮齐发,向岸上轰击。The fish leaped out of water and landed on the shore.鱼跃出水面落到岸上The shore was covered with the wreckage of a ship.岸上全是一艘失事船只的残骸。We waved at the people on the shore.我们向岸上的人挥手。The sea was rough and we couldn't wait to get back to dry land.海上风浪太大,我们迫不及待要回到岸上The waves dragged him into the sea and washed him up on a beach.海浪把他拖到了海里,又冲回岸上The turtles return to the coast to reproduce.海龟回到岸上繁殖。A few pieces of wood had washed ashore.几块木头被冲到了岸上




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