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These are nice distinctions that are extremely technical.这些完全是技术上的细微差别。These differences are only obvious to the trained eye.只有明察秋毫的眼睛才能看出这些细微差别。He displays a remarkable sensitivity to the subtle nuances of language.他对语言的细微差别表现出非比寻常的感知。His fascination with the subtleties of human behaviour makes him a good storyteller.他对人们行为上的细微差别极感兴趣,这使他成了一个很会讲故事的人。He didn't understand the subtle shadings of legal language.他不理解法律语言中的细微差别。The two prints are subtly different.这两个图案有细微差别。It is difficult for a non-Italian to grasp all the nuances of meaning.一个不是以意大利语为母语的人很难把握所有这些意义上的细微差别。It's impossible to understand the nuances of an isolated word without some contextual clues.没有上下文提示不可能弄清单个单词意义上的细微差别。 |