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词汇 屠宰
例句 As farming methods improved, more and more cows were raised for slaughter.随着耕作方法的改进,人们饲养越来越多的牛用于屠宰Cattle in the stockyard are waiting to be slaughtered.围栏里的牛正等待屠宰The animals are all humanely slaughtered.这些动物都是人道屠宰的。Ritual slaughter is a cruel and barbarous practice.仪式屠宰是一种残忍野蛮的习俗。These cattle are being fattened up for slaughter.这些牛在育肥以供屠宰The pigs were being fattened for slaughter.这些猪正在育肥以备屠宰She supports a ban on kosher and halal slaughter, believing that such methods are cruel.她支持取缔犹太教和伊斯兰教屠宰方式,认为那些方法太残忍。On the ship's deck, after the whoops and hollers, the butchering begins.在甲板上,一阵欢呼喧嚷过后,屠宰开始了。We raise cattle for slaughter.我们养牛供屠宰Most of the cattle will be sent for slaughter.大部分牛都将被送去屠宰Cattle should be killed cleanly and humanely.牛应该被干净利落地无痛屠宰




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