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词汇 堕胎
例句 Abortion is still a very emotionally charged issue in the U.S.堕胎在美国依然是一个非常容易引起强烈情绪的话题。The brisk pickup of business in abortion industry has greatly alarmed many people.堕胎行当的生意兴隆使许多人大为震惊。It's always difficult to be objective about such a sensitive issue as abortion.对于堕胎这个如此敏感的问题,总是很难有客观的态度。Women's groups are calling for free contraception and abortion on demand.一些女性团体在争取自主避孕和堕胎的权利。Abortion is illegal in some states.堕胎在某些州是非法的。Abortion has long been a no-go topic for local politicians.对本地政治家来讲,堕胎这个话题一直是行不通的。Abortion is a highly controversial issue.堕胎是个很有争议的话题。Abortion is still one of the hot button issues of US life.堕胎仍是美国人日常生活中的一个敏感议题。Shareholders seem to have few qualms about companies sponsoring overseas abortion programs.对于公司赞助海外堕胎计划一事,股东们似乎没有感到不妥。Abortion is a very sensitive issue.堕胎是个非常敏感的话题。The party divided over the issue of abortion.该党在堕胎这一问题上产生了分歧。Abortion was legalized nationally in the United States following the Roe versus Wade case.在罗诉韦德案后,堕胎在美国全国变得合法化。Abortion is a very emotive issue.堕胎是个极易使人情绪激动的问题。Abortions would only be allowed in cases of rape or incest.只有被强奸或乱伦受孕才允许堕胎The decision was taken to abort the foetus.决定要堕胎Abortion is acceptable when the mother's life is in jeopardy.孕妇的生命有危险时,堕胎是可以接受的。The King's stand is bound to reawaken the painful debate about abortion.国王的立场必然会再次引发关于堕胎的令人头痛的辩论。His girlfriend had an abortion.他的女友堕胎了。Abortion is an emotional issue. 堕胎是个易使人情绪激动的问题。Many people have very strong opinions about the rightness or wrongness of abortion.很多人都对堕胎是否合乎道义有强烈的意见。She knew who to ask about finding an abortionist.她知道向谁去打听找一个为人堕胎的。The candidates agreed to avoid emotive issues like abortion and child abuse.候选人同意避免提到堕胎和虐待儿童这类敏感话题。Abortion has always been a contentious subject.堕胎一直是个有争议的话题。Abortion rights have been restricted in some places.堕胎权在一些地方受到了限制。Emotional arguments aside, here are the facts about abortion.撇开感性的争论,这是一些关于堕胎的事实。Last year Dr Travis publicly attacked the idea that abortion should be available on demand.去年,特拉维斯医生公开抨击了如有要求可以堕胎的观点。He and his wife both strongly support abortion rights.他和妻子都坚决支持堕胎权利。The issue of abortion rights is obviously not the only factor affecting the female vote.堕胎权问题显然并不是影响女性选票的唯一因素。He's waffled on abortion and gay rights.他在堕胎和同性恋权利问题上立场模糊。Abortion is a highly controversial subject/issue/topic.堕胎是一个很有争议的话题。There are many people who still find the act of abortion abhorrent.仍有很多人对堕胎行为表示厌恶。I was taught that abortion is wrong, even though it's not illegal.人们教导我,堕胎虽然算不上犯法,但是不道德的。Her strong Catholic beliefs made abortion unthinkable.她笃信天主教,无法接受堕胎The governor has taken a pro-choice position. = The governor is pro-choice.州长支持堕胎合法。Hardened foes of abortion are unlikely to be persuaded by her arguments.堕胎的坚定反对者不可能被她的观点说服。The number of abortions performed each year is dropping.每年的堕胎数量正在减少。She killed herself trying to abort an unborn baby.她在堕胎过程中死去。Abortion has been the subject of extensive debate in the US.堕胎在美国一直是备受广泛争议的话题。Abortion is a highly contentious issue.堕胎是一个非常有争议的话题。I was affected badly, not by the abortion itself, but by the reactions of my family.我受到了极大震动,并不是由于堕胎本身,而是由于我家人的反应。




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