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词汇 堕落
例句 Religious societies may dwindle into factious clubs.宗教团体可能堕落为宗派俱乐部。I don't understand how he could bring himself so low as to help a smuggler.我真弄不懂他怎么会堕落到竟去帮助一个走私犯。It's the usual squalid rock star tale of drugs, sex, and overdoses.那是常见的摇滚歌星堕落的故事——吸毒、纵欲、过量服用麻醉品。We spent the whole summer drinking, smoking and lying around. It must sound totally decadent.我们整个夏天都抽烟喝酒,游手好闲。听起来真够堕落颓废的。He thought gambling was a vice.他认为赌博是一种堕落They fought against perversion of the health-care system.他们与医疗保健系统的堕落行径做斗争。I wouldn't have thought he could stoop so low.我没想到他会如此堕落She would not condescend to using her looks to advance in the company.她不愿堕落到利用自己的美貌在公司里得到提升。Pop music was condemned as decadent and crude.流行音乐被指责为堕落而又粗俗。The play was about the fall of an honest man.这出戏是关于一个诚实的人堕落的故事。Later on she stopped leading a vicious life.后来,她不再过堕落的生活了。Eating like that every night is sheer decadence.每天晚上那样吃东西简直是堕落The book tells of the boys’ rapid descent into savagery, and the use of torture and terror.本书讲述这些男孩子很快堕落到野蛮的地步,并使用拷打和恐怖手段。He wouldn't sink as low as that.他不会堕落到那样卑鄙的地步。I can't believe he lied. He's really sunk to new depths.我无法相信他说了谎。他真的已经堕落到不曾有过的深渊。He led a corrupt life.他过著堕落的生活。She described it as the work of depraved and evil criminals.她认为那是堕落邪恶的罪犯所为。Gambling was his downfall.赌博是他堕落的缘由。How could you sink to cheating?你怎么会堕落到去行骗?I'm surprised that a man of your reputation would stoop to this.我感到惊讶,像你这样有声望的人竟会堕落到如此地步。The lobby has asserted that social decadence and national decline can only be arrested by good old family values.游说团体称,只有靠过去良好的家庭价值观才能遏制社会的堕落和国家的衰退。Only William would ever sink so low as to organize a date there.只有威廉会堕落到如此地步,把约会安排在那里。The empire had for years been falling into decadence.这个帝国走向腐朽堕落已经经年。It's doubly distressing when you see sb who had such a good upbringing go to the bad.看到有的人教养很好却走向堕落,会觉得令人加倍难过。I can't believe you would sink so low as to snitch on your best friends.我无法相信你堕落到如此地步,竟然会告发你最要好的朋友。The black market was flourishing, everybody was corrupt, in it up to their necks.黑市繁荣,每个人都已堕落,深陷其中。The corrupt man dissembled virtue.那个堕落的人佯装有德。Power and wealth corrupted him.权力与财富使他堕落His parents are partly responsible for his wallow.他的父母对他的堕落负有部分责任。I never thought he could sink so low. 我从没想到他会堕落到这种地步。How could anyone stoop so low?怎么会有人堕落到这种地步?He was described as dangerous and depraved and a menace to society.他被描述成一个既危险又堕落的人,对社会是一种威胁。She would never stoop to lying. 她决不会堕落到要撒谎。They had the reputation of being immoral degenerates of the worst type.他们道德丧失,极尽堕落,已经臭名远播了。We cannot let our enemies drag us down to their level. 我们不能受敌人的恶劣影响,堕落到和他们一样。Bad company may corrupt a good boy.交坏朋友会使好孩子堕落How come she has descended to stealing?她怎么会堕落到偷窃的? He was sinking into a life of utter depravity.他沉沦于彻底堕落的生活。His lawyers even stooped to using the children to gain public sympathy.他的律师竟然堕落到利用小孩子来博取公众的同情。He had backslid so far as to bargain with the infidel.他已堕落到和异教徒讨价还价的地步。




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