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词汇 居然会
例句 It was naive of him to believe her.他太天真了,居然会相信她。It was too silly an idea for Chrissy to give any credence to it.认为克里西居然会相信这种想法真是太愚蠢了。It tickled him to think that she'd asked him for advice.他觉得很可笑,她居然会征求他的意见。To see anyone at all in a place like this was a shock to her.在这样的地方居然会见到人,她感到震惊。I was shocked to learn he could actually fly a plane.得知他居然会开飞机,我很吃惊。I'm surprised she was nervous: I'd always put her down as being very confident.我很意外她居然会紧张:我一直以为她很自信。Who should I meet in New York but Max of all people! = Of all the people in New York, who should I run into but Max! 真想不到我居然会在纽约碰到马克斯!I am amazed that such a crazy idea could be seriously entertained.有人居然会专注于如此古怪的想法,我感到大为惊讶。




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