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例句 I can't give you details because I don't actually have any details.我没办法给你提供细节,因为我并不了解任何细节。Interest is only payable on the amount actually borrowed.利息只能根据实际借款数目给付。I have battled with my conscience over whether I should actually send this letter.我备受良心的煎熬,不知是否真的应该把这封信寄出去。The current obsession with exam results is actually harming children's education.目前对考试成绩的过分关注其实对儿童的教育是有害的。That is actually a cavity in the earth.那其实是一个地下洞穴。If she actually marries him I'll eat my hat.她要是真的会嫁给他,我就把脑袋给你。Although he wasn't actually disgruntled, he was far from being gruntled.尽管他并不是不满意,但也远远谈不上满意。It mortified me to have to admit that I'd never actually read the book.让我感到难堪的是,我不得不承认自己实际上从未读过这本书。The proportion of drinkers who abuse alcohol is actually quite small.在常喝酒的人之中,酗酒者所占的比例实际上很小。People are motivated by leaders who actually walk the walk.领导踏准步调,下面的人就会受到激励。There is no evidence that these devices actually work.没有证据表明这些装置确实起作用。People think she's all sweetness and light, but she actually has a temper.人们都认为她亲切和善,但实际上她的脾气很坏。Once people have seen that something actually works, they are much more likely to accept change.一旦人们看到有些东西确实奏效,那他们可能会更容易接受变化。This is actually an outrageous overreaction.这事实上是令人无法容忍的过激反应。There's a big difference between saying you'll do something and actually doing it.说你要做某事与你真正做某事有很大的不同。They didn't actually like the magazine very much, but they bought it or, at the least, borrowed it from each other.他们其实并不怎么喜欢这本杂志,但还是会买,或至少会互相借着看。I actually knew her, but in overalls I passed unrecognised.实际上我认识她,但是我身着工作服,与她擦身而过的时候却没被认出来。I don't know what actually happened.我不知道实际发生了什么。She actually apologized. I couldn't believe my ears!她居然道歉了,我真不敢相信自己的耳朵!Neil's colleagues say he was actually in a joking, upbeat mood.内尔的同事们说他实际上在说笑逗乐,心情不错。It's difficult telling your partner what actually turns you on.你很难向自己的伴侣讲清楚,怎么样才能激起你的性欲。Robert's an old friend of mine. We were at school together, actually.罗伯特是我的一个老朋友,实际上我们曾在同一所学校上学。I actually believe that the converse of your last statement is true.事实上我认为你最后一句话要反过来说才对。Do you actually fail the year if you don't hand in a piece of work?要是不把作业交上去,今年真的会不及格吗?Blue chip issues were sharply higher, but the rest of the market actually declined slightly by the end of the day.蓝筹股一路飙升,但股市其他股票却在当天收盘时稍有走低。We've exchanged emails but we've never actually met.我们互通电子邮件,但实际上并未见过面。The fact of the matter is that most people consume far more protein than they actually need.真实的情况是,大多数人摄入的蛋白质比他们实际所需的多出许多。Although she comes across as impulsive, Harper is actually very cautious and indecisive.尽管哈珀给人的印象是很冲动的,她实际上十分小心、优柔寡断。There is considerable ambiguity about what this part of the agreement actually means.协议这一部分的真正含义很不明确。Only the people who were nearest to the speaker could actually hear what he said.只有离演讲者最近的那些人才能够听到他的话。We weren't actually seasick.我们其实并没有呕吐。There is nothing actually earth-shattering to report.其实也没有什么特别重要的事情需要报告。I might seem calm on the outside, but I'm actually really nervous.表面上我好像很镇静,其实我非常紧张。It isn't yet clear whether the new law can actually be applied retroactively.新法令是否具有追溯力还不清楚。The plot to assassinate Martin Luther King had started long before he was actually killed.刺杀马丁·路德·金的计划在实施前酝酿已久。I've eaten so much, I actually feel uncomfortable.我吃了这么多,实在感觉很不舒服。Almost despite herself, Lisa began to actually enjoy being with him.几乎不是出于本意,莉萨开始真的喜欢和他在一起。He said he did the work himself, but we have only his say-so that that's what actually happened.他说他独立完成了这项工作,但是实际如何,我们只有他的空口白话。I didn't think I'd like the movie, but it was actually pretty good.我以为我不会喜欢这部电影,但后来发现它其实很不错。Computer viruses are at the very least annoying and often actually destructive.计算机病毒少说也很烦人,实际上还经常具有破坏性。




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